2. Director's Interview
  3. "Kagawa 1st Ward" Director Arata Oshima depicts the true picture of Japanese democracy in an entertaining masterpiece that surpasses his previous work [Director's Interview Vol.171]
"Kagawa 1st Ward" Director Arata Oshima depicts the true picture of Japanese democracy in an entertaining masterpiece that surpasses his previous work [Director's Interview Vol.171]

"Kagawa 1st Ward" Director Arata Oshima depicts the true picture of Japanese democracy in an entertaining masterpiece that surpasses his previous work [Director's Interview Vol.171]


Coverage of the election campaign was even interrupted by filming

Q: The climax of this film, like ``Why You'', is the House of Representatives election, but was that something you were conscious of when filming?

Oshima: I was trying to properly record what was happening. But I knew that it was impossible to be fair and neutral in the television sense, and I didn't see any point in it. I was planning to catch the speeches of my opponents, Mr. Hirai and Mr. Machikawa, who were in public, and to interview them directly as much as possible.

Q: This time, you were covering not only candidate Ogawa but also other candidates, so I imagine it was difficult to film.

Oshima: After the announcement was made, I had my hands full with how to manage the location shoots every day. We had to check each candidate's campaign schedule, and then split up the filming crews so that myself, cameraman Takahashi, and producer Maeda would each go somewhere. In addition to that, I also had to conduct investigative reporting, and my mind was full of thoughts, ``What will I do tomorrow?'' every day.

Q: There is also a shocking scene in which producer Maeda is blocked from filming while covering Mr. Hirai's street speech. What kind of person is that?

Oshima: I don't know who it is.

Q: There is a scene where Director Oshima covers Mr. Hirai's speech, but was there any interference at that time?

Oshima: Not really. My face is known to the Hirai camp, so my response is a little different. In Maeda's case, he had been reported to the police a while back and had given him his business card. Then, word got out to the Hirai camp that there was a woman named Maeda. I think that's why something like that happened.

Q: Is it possible that producer Maeda was targeted because she is a woman?

Oshima: I think so. If so, that would be foolish. Producer Maeda is a seasoned reporter, so he keeps the camera rolling and does a great job. Even though I didn't really ask for it, Hirai's team is doing a lot of things to make the movie more exciting.

Q: I think that's the result of such interviews, but what was particularly impressive was the contrast between the camps of Mr. Ogawa and Mr. Hirai. I wonder if there is such a difference in the people who have gathered.

“Kagawa 1st Ward” © 2021 NETZGEN

Oshima: When the announcement was made, the people around Mr. Hirai who were cheering were amazing.

Q: There are a lot of men wearing suits.

Oshima: That's what really makes the video interesting, and it looks very easy to understand.

Q: I think this movie is a contrast between Mr. Hirai and Mr. Ogawa. By contrasting the two candidates, it becomes a very fresh election video.

Oshima: From the time we were filming, I had a feeling that it would probably turn out that way. After all, Kagawa 1st Ward is a candidate with a strong character, so it looks even more so. However, I believe that there are more or less similar compositions all over Japan, and I wish it would be seen as universal.

Q: What impressed Director Oshima the most about the comparison between Mr. Ogawa and Mr. Hirai?

Oshima: At first glance, my opponent, Mr. Hirai, seems to have a lot of things, such as financial strength and ground, while Mr. Ogawa, the son of a commoner, seems like someone who doesn't have much. However, I don't think there is anyone as blessed with a family and surroundings as Mr. Ogawa.

There are no parents who understand their sons like that, and are there any daughters who support them in elections like that? I think it's amazing. Although they don't appear in the movie, there are classmates from junior high school who have always supported Ogawa-san. They're old men, but on the last day of the election campaign, we ride together on bicycles. I don't think there is any other candidate who is blessed with people like Mr. Ogawa.


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  2. Director's Interview
  3. "Kagawa 1st Ward" Director Arata Oshima depicts the true picture of Japanese democracy in an entertaining masterpiece that surpasses his previous work [Director's Interview Vol.171]