2. Director's Interview
  3. Joined CyberZ/BABEL LABEL from Netflix. Special conversation between Nahomi Sato and Hisato Yamada [Director's Interview Vol.300]
Joined CyberZ/BABEL LABEL from Netflix. Special conversation between Nahomi Sato and Hisato Yamada [Director's Interview Vol.300]

Joined CyberZ/BABEL LABEL from Netflix. Special conversation between Nahomi Sato and Hisato Yamada [Director's Interview Vol.300]


Words spoken to Netflix Kazutaka Sakamoto

Q: Mr. Yamada, what areas do you think have been strengthened by the addition of Mr. Sato?

Yamada: Considering what Mr. Sato wants from BABEL LABEL and what it can and wants to do, we have nothing but positives. Mr. Sato has cooperated in various ways as a partner for Fujii's works, and Netflix is ​​essentially a client who buys the works. Being able to work with people who look at BABEL LABEL from that perspective and receiving their opinions is really great for helping BABEL LABEL grow.

When I heard from Mr. Sato that he wanted to join BABEL LABEL, I didn't really understand and thought, "What do you mean?!" (lol), so I sat down with him at the beginning of the year to talk about it, and at that time he told me. I remember that very well.

This is something that Kazutaka Sakamoto, vice Vice of Netflix's content division, also talked about, saying, ``BABEL LABEL not only has Michito Fujii, but also has the potential to change the Japanese video industry in the future through initiatives with CyberAgent.'' It has the potential to grow.However, it is a young company in both good and bad ways, so I am concerned about whether it will succeed if given this kind of opportunity.''He clearly told us what Netflix is ​​looking at. It was.

When Mr. Sato spoke to us, we had already decided on a partnership agreement with Netflix, and I felt that having Mr. Sato come to BABEL LABEL would be a tremendous Being There to strengthen our collaboration with Netflix.

Regarding the partnership with Netflix, Mr. Sakamoto said, ``When I look at the next five years for BABEL LABEL, I think that if we move forward together based on the resources that Netflix has done so far, the speed (of evolution) will increase. "It's going to be on a different level," he said. Mr. Sato is responsible for many of these projects.

Q: After hearing your story, I felt that there is a good relationship between Mr. Sato and Netflix. I'm sorry to say this, but changing jobs often gives the impression that you're putting your hind legs in the sand when you change jobs.

Sato: I think so. After we finished our first meeting at the beginning of the year, I said to Mr. Sakamoto, ``Please give me 10 minutes,'' and he said, ``I talked about what I'm going to do from here on, but actually, CyberZ has approached me about this. I'm thinking of quitting Netflix,'' he confessed.

After about 10 seconds, he said, ``That's a great decision,'' which made me really happy. Not only did he give me a push, saying, ``I'll support both Mr. Sato and BABEL LABEL because it's good for the industry,'' but we also have a relationship where we both work hard in the same direction.


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  2. Director's Interview
  3. Joined CyberZ/BABEL LABEL from Netflix. Special conversation between Nahomi Sato and Hisato Yamada [Director's Interview Vol.300]