2. Director's Interview
  3. "J005311" Director Hiroki Kono x Starring: Kazuei Nomura Focused only on creating [Director's Interview Vol.306]
"J005311" Director Hiroki Kono x Starring: Kazuei Nomura Focused only on creating [Director's Interview Vol.306]

"J005311" Director Hiroki Kono x Starring: Kazuei Nomura Focused only on creating [Director's Interview Vol.306]


There is no real feeling of getting a theatrical release or winning a film festival.

Q: Now that you have seen the completed film, what are your thoughts on it, considering the reaction it has received so far?

Kono: My only goal was to create something, so even if my work never saw the light of day, I didn't have to be satisfied with it. So, of course I'm happy that it was released after that and won an award at a film festival, but I feel more in disbelief. I'm still wondering if it's okay to make it public. But it's also fun at the same time.

Nomura: We have received a lot of praise, including winning awards at film festivals, but to be honest, I still don't really feel it. If I'm not good at it, I end up not even realizing that the work is complete, and I wonder how long this will last (lol).

“J005311” © 2022 “J005311” Production Committee (King Records, PFF)

Q: Please tell us about the films and directors that have influenced you both.


Kono: Michael Haneke's `` Funny The Game '' (1997). It's okay to have so much freedom, there are no rules. I thought it was amazing.

Nomura: I really like Andrei Tarkovsky. I would like to shoot something like that someday.

Q: I think it will be difficult to create your next work, but I think many people are looking forward to it. What kind of movie would you like to make next?

Nomura: The next project I will be directing is starting production. I was an actor from the age of 19 to 27, and from an outsider's perspective, I was seen as someone chasing a dream. I'm trying to find out what exactly that dream is and make it into a movie. I am creating a work with a completely different taste from this "J005311".

Kono: I'm writing the plot for a movie with a child as the main character. I'm thinking of writing something like a semi-autobiography of my time as an elementary school student, and I definitely want to film that as well. But to be honest, money was the toughest thing this time, so I'd be happy if we could shoot with grants or other funding other than our own.

Reserve “J005311” now↓

*From left: Hiroki Kono, Kazue Nomura

Hiroki Kono

Born on January 22, 1996. Originally from Kanagawa Prefecture. At the age of 19, he aspired to become an actor and studied acting at an actor training school. His main appearances include ``Special Actors'' (19/directed by Shinichiro Ueda), ``Nozomi'' (2020/directed by Yukihiko Tsutsumi), and ``Yuko no Tenbin'' (21/directed by Yujiro Harumoto). This film, which he created entirely by himself, is his directorial debut.

Kazuei Nomura

Born in 1995. Born in Tokyo. Graduated from Oberlin University, College of Arts and Culture, majoring in theater. With a strong interest in expressing himself, at the age of 19 he aspired to become an actor and began attending an acting training school. After The Graduate, she will focus on movies, but will also participate in stage plays and music videos. For this film, which he starred in for the first time while also producing, he won the Most Promising New Actor Award at the Kanazawa Film Festival 2022.

Interview and text: Fumio Koda

Editorial staff and writer for CINEMORE. My favorite movies are ``The Goonies'' and ``Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.'' My recent favorites are 4K digitally remastered classics by Akira Kurosawa and Yasujiro Ozu.


From April 22nd (Saturday), it will be released in stages nationwide including Eurospace.

Distribution: Uzumasa

© 2022 “J005311” Production Committee (King Records, PFF)


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  2. Director's Interview
  3. "J005311" Director Hiroki Kono x Starring: Kazuei Nomura Focused only on creating [Director's Interview Vol.306]