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  3. "Simone France's Most Beloved Politician", An Unyielding Way of Life
"Simone France's Most Beloved Politician", An Unyielding Way of Life


"Simone France's Most Beloved Politician", An Unyielding Way of Life


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Do our readers know Simone Weil? It's not very familiar to Japanese people. I am only barely familiar with the name ``Weil method.'' When he passed away in Paris in 2017, he received a state funeral in France and was enshrined in the Pantheon (built as a church in the 18th century and later became a tomb dedicated to France's great figures), which made headlines. At that time, the word that came up frequently was the "Weil method." She was the first politician in France to legalize abortion in 1974, and was instrumental in expanding women's rights. The abortion law became known as the "Weil Law" in her honor. He later went on to serve as European President, so he is a truly Big name. French national politician.

However, I don't think you need much prior knowledge to watch the movie ``Simone: France's Most Beloved Politician'' (22). The original title is ``Simone's Journey through the Century,'' and the story of her emotional journey, suffering, and struggle that spans two centuries is ``understood when you see it.'' This director, Olivier Dahan, is quite skilled. I have previously made films about dramatic women such as Edith Piaf and Grace Kelly, but this time it will be an autobiographical film about a politician. I think it's a little plain, don't you think? It's captured well. It is said to be the ``No. 1 domestic French movie at the annual box office in 2022.'' It's not aimed at the highbrow intellectual class, but is a classic major work that anyone can understand. So I think it will probably resonate with people who don't know the name Simone Weil.

“Simone, France’s most beloved politician” © 2020 – MARVELOUS PRODUCTIONS - FRANCE 2 CINÉMA - FRANCE 3 CINÉMA

This is a heart-warming story of a woman who fought to change the world.

"Changing the world" is now a common phrase when talking about the M-1 champion. Up until now, it hasn't sold at all, and I don't even know if I'm alive or dead, or even the meaning of my existence, but even so, I put everything into manzai because manzai is the only way to do it. ``Changing the world'' and ``changing lives'' through comedy is such a struggle. I think this is very suggestive. Even in today's closed-minded Japanese society, it is a struggle to change something. The comedians are shining brightly because they are fighting. Nothing is gained without fighting.

Why did Simone, who was born in 20th century France, decide to fight? What did you fight against?

The film begins with ``Simone Weil, who achieved fame'' reminiscing about her past for her autobiography in Nice, southern France. The role of Simone is played by Elsa Zilberstein, and she's great. It has dignity. It's attractive. ``Simone Weil, who achieved great success,'' means she is a veteran warrior, isn't she? You wouldn't normally imagine a veteran hero to be such a quiet, soft-hearted person.

The film moves back and forth between her different eras, showing the journey of Simone Weil to becoming Simone Weil. She was born in Paris into a family of "assimilated Jews" (those who assimilate to the local area and do not follow Jewish precepts). Her father was a modernist who believed in the French ideals of "liberty, equality, and fraternity." However, this was shattered by Nazi Germany's invasion of France. This was Simone's origin. Even though he experienced life in a concentration camp, lost his immediate family, and barely survived, after the war he was faced with unnecessary scorn, asking, ``Did you sleep with the SS and survive?'' For survivors of the concentration camps, there was an oppressive atmosphere in which they were told to "live in silence."

“Simone, France’s most beloved politician” © 2020 – MARVELOUS PRODUCTIONS - FRANCE 2 CINÉMA - FRANCE 3 CINÉMA

I think the only way to live was to not give in. If you give in, you're like a ghost. I don't know if I'm alive or dead. For the rest of his life, he will be trapped in the memory of the camp, living as an obedient soul prisoner.

Don't give in. Don't bend yourself. And stand on the side of the socially weak.

I think it was inevitable for Simone. She advocates for the enactment of abortion laws in Congress for women who have had unwanted pregnancies due to rape or other causes. Organize a "Women's Rights Committee." He works hard to help immigrants, AIDS patients, and prisoners living in poor conditions. Objectively speaking, it's a political activity and a struggle, but when you see it through the film, it's an unyielding way of life.

Ah, there's an impressive scene. A story after the war. Simone's third son lives in Israel. She goes to visit her adult son, and her lover encourages her to remain in Israel. Of course, Israel is a utopia founded by Jews. Then Simone said, "Europe is where I fight." That's a deep determination.

The climax of the film is a scene in which he revisits the camp in 2004 at the request of Paris Match magazine (a special feature on the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz). Simone takes her family, children and grandchildren to Auschwitz. Elsa Zylberstein's performance in that moment is excellent. This actor fully embraces all of the tragedies and struggles that have been shown in movies so far as ``you know it when you see it.'' It looks great. That persuasive power!

Text: Ichiro Enoki

Born in 1959. Born in Akita Prefecture. Debuted in a commercial magazine with ``Takarajima'' in 1980 while studying at Chuo University. Since then, he has serialized columns and essays in various magazines, and continues to this day. Also active on radio and television. Twitter @ichiroenokido

Reserve “Simone, France’s Most Beloved Politician” now ↓

"Simone, France's most beloved politician"

Roadshow nationwide from July 28th (Friday) at Human Trust Cinema Yurakucho, Shinjuku Musashinokan, Cine Libre Ikebukuro and other locations!

Distribution: At Entertainment



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  3. "Simone France's Most Beloved Politician", An Unyielding Way of Life