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  3. Cool Runnings
  4. Feel the rhythm! “Cool Runnings” is a great step towards the future
Feel the rhythm! “Cool Runnings” is a great step towards the future

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Feel the rhythm! “Cool Runnings” is a great step towards the future


"Cool Runnings" synopsis

Jamaica in 1987. Delyse Bannock was the top candidate to compete in the men's 100m track and field at the 1988 Seoul Olympics. However, during the selection event, he was involved in a fall from an athlete running in the lane next to him, and his dream of participating in the Summer Olympics was cut short. Unable to give up on his dream of participating in the Olympics, Delise learns about the bobsled competition at the Winter Olympics and comes up with the idea of ​​``participating in the Olympics in bobsled.'' Then, they invite a former American player to be their coach and begin practicing.


Like Disney, “just as it is”

A sports comedy about the southern country of Jamaica aiming for the Winter Olympics in bobsledding! This movie, produced by Disney, was supposed to be a serious sports drama. The director changed several times and the script was rewritten several times. Even though it's a comedy movie, there are some serious moments in the movie, so you can get a glimpse of that.

Jamaica is famous for its sprinting, with Usain Bolt as its representative. The main character of this work was also aiming to participate in the Olympics in sprinting, which is such a star event, but his dream was dashed, and he changed his mind and decided to aim for the Olympics in bobsled. Although the film is based on the true story of the bobsled athletes who competed in the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics, there are many adaptations.

This movie also created a worldwide frenzy for the Jamaican national bobsled team. It was theatrically released in Japan in 1994, but four years later, at the 1998 Nagano Olympics, the Jamaican national team came to Japan, and it became a hot topic with people saying, ``The Jamaican national team from ``Cool Runnings'' is coming to Japan!'' Ta. The reason why it has been so well received in Japan is probably due to the ease of understanding of this work.

This is a sports-based story about the difficulties and prejudices faced by Jamaica, a southern country, participating in the Winter Olympics, and how they use these as springboards to overcome them together with their friends. Also, since it was produced by Disney, it was made for children, and the film is made up of elements that are very easy to understand.

"Cool Runnings" trailer

The characters of the four players and coaches depicted are also easy to relate to. The leader, Delyse (Léon: The Professional), is handsome and his father is a former Olympic sprinter. Delise's best friend Sanka (Doug E. Doug) is a cheerful Rastafari (Jamaican religious believer) who always wins in pushcart races. Junior (Laure D. Lewis), who was competing in the same short-distance competition as Delise, is a bit unreliable in fear of his father's dignity. Yul (Malik Yoba), who was also participating in the same short-distance athlete selection event, is always overbearing and has a will that will not change his attitude no matter who he is. The coach, Irving (John Candy), was a promising bobsledder and former member of the American bobsled team, but something happened that caused him to become depressed.

Each character stands out in an easy-to-understand setting, and the story has a fast pace, starting with bobsledding in the blink of an eye and reaching the Olympics in the blink of an eye. The feature is that both children and adults can concentrate and enjoy the game without getting distracted.

Also, Sanka's two lines, ``Feel the rhythm! Be Jamaican,'' mean ``Be yourself.'' It's the same as the theme song for ` `Frozen '' (13), also produced by Disney. From that perspective, it can be said to be a very Disney-like work.

"Frozen" theme song

Like ``Frozen,'' the music also became a hot topic, with Jimmy Cliff's cover of Johnny Nash's ``I Can See Clearly Now' ' becoming a huge hit. The song ``Jamaican Bobsledding Chant,'' which is sung several times in the movie, was improvised and sung by Malik Yoba, who plays Yul, during an audition, and the producer liked it and used it in the movie. .


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  3. Cool Runnings
  4. Feel the rhythm! “Cool Runnings” is a great step towards the future