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  4. “Hanna” How did this story of a transcendent girl full of allegory and action come about?
“Hanna” How did this story of a transcendent girl full of allegory and action come about?

(c) 2011 Focus Features LLC. All Rights Reserved.

“Hanna” How did this story of a transcendent girl full of allegory and action come about?


“Long take” photography is a solution to overcome constraints

Incidentally, one action element worth mentioning about this film is the "long take" that appears near the middle of the film. Eric Bana gets off the bus, passes through a waiting room filled with people, and descends into the basement, where he engages in a complex fight before eliminating multiple pursuers.

When one thinks of long takes in Joe Wright's films, the first thing that comes to mind is the Dunkirk scene in Atonement , and the same Peter Robertson is in charge of the Steadicam photography in this film, and the realism that his movements bring is simply stunned.

Why does Director Wright use long takes so often? It certainly has the effect of raising morale and tension on set. It is also likely intended to bring a sense of ongoing dynamism and realism. However, what he emphasizes more than anything in various statements is that this technique is effective in breaking through "constraints in filmmaking."

"Hanna" (c) 2011 Focus Features LLC. All Rights Reserved.

For example, "Hanna" is on the low-budget side for this genre. Therefore, the filming time, which would normally take about 150 days, had to be cut in half. This is where long takes come into play. If you shoot in small cuts, it would take days, but if you shoot in one continuous take, you can rehearse multiple times in the morning and finish shooting in one go. You can't rely on it too many times, but this mobility and creativity becomes a light magic that makes the impossible possible.

It's not just the long takes. One of the characteristics of Joe Wright's filmmaking is the "lightness" of his ideas, which he uses to his advantage despite these limitations.

The lightness with which classics are brought back to life in a fresh way. The lightness with which literary works are visualized in innovative ways. And the lightness with which one can jump into unknown genres without hesitation. If we were to compare it to a puppet show, it is like the characters on the stage are floating with strings, and they are always there to make a leap, as if they are being released from the gravity of the stage.

To be honest, some of his works end up being duds ( Pan (2015) is a typical example), but there is no one else in this film industry who can replace him as a unique talent. His uniqueness lies in his ability to continue making creative films with fresh ideas and creativity, rather than a rigid sensibility.

It is his creativity that allowed him to fully utilize the rare talent of Saoirse Ronan in a completely different way in "Atonement" and "Hanna". Someday, the two will surely have the opportunity to collaborate at a turning point in their lives. At that time, I look forward to seeing what new harmony they will create as they have evolved together.

Reference materials

Hanna Blu-ray(Sony Pictures Entertainment) Audio commentary, bonus footage






Born in Nagasaki in 1977. When he was 3 years old, he saw ``Superman II'' with his father and became fascinated with movies. After The Graduate from Meiji University, he worked for a movie broadcasting channel and then became a movie writer. Currently, in addition to writing for Eiga.com, EYESCREAM, Real Sound Movie Club, etc., he also contributes to media press and theater programs.

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Blu-ray now on sale ¥2,381 + tax

Publisher/distributor: Sony Pictures Entertainment

(c) 2011 Focus Features LLC. All Rights Reserved.


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  3. Hanna
  4. “Hanna” How did this story of a transcendent girl full of allegory and action come about?