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  3. The Getaway
  4. The Getaway, a love story about a broken couple by Sam Peckinpah
The Getaway, a love story about a broken couple by Sam Peckinpah

©2007 Warner Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.

The Getaway, a love story about a broken couple by Sam Peckinpah


``The Getaway'' is a love story about a couple getting back together.

Now that I think about it, Carol was always the one to open the car door and invite the other person in during important situations. When I came to pick up Doc after he was released from prison. When I called out to him as he was waiting on the bench after buying a new car. Sometimes, she caused her husband to fall miserably as he tried to get into the car. In the end, who will open the door of the dilapidated truck heading towards the destination of hope? She always invites him next to her. Carol is not a woman who follows her husband. I continued this escapism of my own free will. Therefore, the choice of whether or not to stay married is also determined by her.

When her husband keeps babbling about her past with Benyon, she retorts that she must know why he slept with him. I had the option of siding with Benyon. But I chose you without hesitation. You should be proud to have been chosen by me, and I don't want you to criticize me. This is how Doc realizes his true position. I have no right to forgive her. All he has to do is ask her for forgiveness and accept her as her husband.

“The Getaway” ©2007 Warner Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.

It's true that ``The Getaway'' has the scent of a ``guy's movie.'' The final scene, filled with lots of blood and the sound of gunfire, is a must-see for fans, and Rudy's bizarre obsession with chasing Doc makes us think of the crazy bond between men. Also, Doc McCoy's character design cannot escape from the bad machismo. He is the man who calmly beats up Carol and yells abuse at her. But on the other hand, he has the frankness to confess his insecurities about his sexual abilities and ask his wife for help. Above all, how proud is the woman named Carol? I am once again amazed at how Peckinpah was able to portray a woman who so boldly asserts her own righteousness, and a man who nods his head obediently at her honesty.

Just as Newland despises the machismo that McQueen embodies, yet desires him, we, who live in modern times, are constantly faced with contradictions, facing movies with the rift between anger and love. No matter how attractive the women in Peckinpah's films are, they cannot outweigh the men, and it cannot be said that Peckinpah made ``women's movies.'' Still, the image of the woman portrayed in ``The Getaway'' and the image of the man who lives with her are so complex that they cannot be captured in a simple composition. Knowing that, it would be impossible to call his films with the ridiculous term ``a man's movie.''

``The Getaway'' is not an escapade between a muscular man and his sexy wife. Rather, it should be called this. A love story depicting the restoration of a broken couple. Or the story of a man's growth until he accepts the honor of being chosen by a woman.

Text: Rie Tsukinaga

Film writer and editor. Editor of the magazine "Eiga Yokocho". He writes film reviews, columns, and interviews for Asahi Shimbun, Metropolitana, Weekly Bunshun, iD JAPAN, etc. He also edits books and movie pamphlets under the name Eiga Bar Editorial Office. Currently in charge of MC for the web program "Katsuben Cinema Club". eigasakaba.net

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"The Getaway"

Blu-ray with additional Japanese dubbed audio ¥6,369 (tax included)

Publisher: Warner Bros. Home Entertainment

Distributor: NBC Universal Entertainment

©2007 Warner Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.


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  4. The Getaway, a love story about a broken couple by Sam Peckinpah