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  3. The Sheltering Sky
  4. "The Sheltering Sky" A beautiful fusion of Ryuichi Sakamoto's famous score and the magician of light. Expressions that seem strange in modern times
"The Sheltering Sky" A beautiful fusion of Ryuichi Sakamoto's famous score and the magician of light. Expressions that seem strange in modern times

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"The Sheltering Sky" A beautiful fusion of Ryuichi Sakamoto's famous score and the magician of light. Expressions that seem strange in modern times


There are pros and cons about the final development and how Africa is depicted.

The Sheltering Sky is based on a novel by Paul Bowles published in 1949. In Japan, a translation was published under the title ``Polar Sky.'' Originally active as a composer, Bowles moved from New York to Tangier, Morocco. His wife June, a writer and playwright, also arrived. ``The Sheltering Sky'' is said to be a semi-autobiographical novel that depicts his relationship with his wife. Even in the movie version, it is said that Port's occupation is a composer and Kit is a playwright. There are moments when John Malkovich, who plays Port, gives a hint of gayness in his behavior, as if conscious of Bowles having had male lovers before getting married.

The film version is narrated by Bowles himself. Bowles even has a cameo in the beginning and end of the film, in scenes in a bar in Tangier and in another restaurant. However, Bowles apparently was not satisfied with the finished film, and in the documentary ``Paul Bowles' The Sheltering Sky'' (1998), he said, ``It shouldn't have been made into a movie. "The ending is ridiculous, and everything else is pretty disappointing," he said harshly.

"The Sheltering Sky" (c)Photofest / Getty Images

Also, although this is unrelated to the film itself, one of the main cast members, Jill Bennett, committed suicide in October 1990, just before the film was released. Bennett is best known for her role as the coach of figure skater Vivi (played by Lynn-Holly Johnson, who was actually a figure skater), who is loved by the villain Crystal in ``007: Your Eyes Only' ' (1981). She is the fourth wife of playwright John Osborne, who won the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay for ``The Adventures of Tom Jones '' (1963), and is said to have been mentally depressed due to their turbulent marriage and subsequent divorce. .

Bennett played the mother of Eric, a guidebook writer who Port and his friends meet in Morocco. She is a woman who speaks harshly, and her words and actions are filled with a sense of discrimination against Arab society and Africa. It is also true that there is a hint of white supremacy in the whole work of ``The Sheltering Sky'', with Port and Kit acting arrogantly, thinking, ``They'll do anything for you as long as you give them money.'' Of course, this is probably a reflection of the historical background, but I can't help but feel that director Bertolucci's way of portraying African people and culture is from a ``top-down'' perspective. In particular, the final part of the film, which has been significantly altered from the original, is where the opinions of pros and cons are sharply divided, as the characters' feelings are unclear and the portrayal of Africa is forced.

In fact, when the film was released in Japan in 1991, reviews pointed out that it was too white-centric and lacked respect for other cultures. 1962's `` Lawrence of Arabia '' also came under fire for its depiction of white supremacy, but vestiges of this can still be seen in ``The Sheltering Sky,'' nearly 30 years after the film's release. It will be done. Now that more than 30 years have passed and globalization has progressed (2023), even if a movie depicts a situation where discrimination and prejudice are deeply rooted, respect, consideration, and delicacy are necessary.・The Sheltering Sky''. It might be a good idea to take another look at the trends of the times.

Text: Hiroaki Saito

Became freelance in 1997, contributing movie reviews and interview articles to various media such as movie magazines, theater pamphlets, and movie sites. The column is constantly updated on Yahoo! News.

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  2. movie
  3. The Sheltering Sky
  4. "The Sheltering Sky" A beautiful fusion of Ryuichi Sakamoto's famous score and the magician of light. Expressions that seem strange in modern times