2. movie
  3. The Sheltering Sky
  4. "The Sheltering Sky" A beautiful fusion of Ryuichi Sakamoto's famous score and the magician of light. Expressions that seem strange in modern times
"The Sheltering Sky" A beautiful fusion of Ryuichi Sakamoto's famous score and the magician of light. Expressions that seem strange in modern times

(c) Photofest / Getty Images

"The Sheltering Sky" A beautiful fusion of Ryuichi Sakamoto's famous score and the magician of light. Expressions that seem strange in modern times


"The Sheltering Sky" synopsis

Port and Kit Moresby travel from New York to North Africa in 1947. The two, who had reached a period of boredom and lost sight of their love and dreams, thought that they might be able to discover something in North Africa. However, as the couple continues to travel, their relationship becomes increasingly strained, and each couple begins to have affairs and seek comfort from others. And this endless desert journey becomes extremely harsh...


Responsible for composing the master's oriental trilogy

Ryuichi Sakamoto's masterpieces include `` Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence '' (1983), in which he also appeared, and `` The Last Emperor '' (1987), which won The Sheltering Sky. The score for ``Sky'' (1990) is also unforgettable. It was not well known outside of movie fans, but figure skater Daisuke Takahashi, who had been in retirement for a while, used "The Sheltering Sky" in his short program during the 2018-2019 season when he returned to active duty. ” was the music. The melancholy and dramatic melody was perfect for his performance on the ice, and at the same time, it reminded us of Ryuichi Sakamoto's talent.

Three years after `` The Last Emperor ,'' Sakamoto collaborated with director Bernardo Bertolucci on ``The Sheltering Sky,'' and three years later, Sakamoto also composed music for `` Little Buddha '' (1993). in charge. These three works are known as Bertolucci's ``Oriental Trilogy.''

"The Sheltering Sky" preview

The story takes place in 1947, when Port and Kit Moresby, a couple living in New York, become tired of their relationship and try to find love again on a trip to North Africa with their young friend Tanner. Starting in the port city of Tangier in Morocco, they travel across the Sahara Desert to Algeria and Mali, where unknown experiences and a harsh fate await them. As expected from Bertolucci's work, the film expresses adult love and sexuality in a rich, frank, and refracted manner, and Sakamoto's score is most effective in the emotional scenes between the two main characters. This can be said to be a rare example of visual memory and music becoming one.

Another composer on The Sheltering Sky is Richard Horowitz, who wrote the North African-style musical parts. However, the opening credits are solely ``Music by Ryuichi Sakamoto,'' and Sakamoto's score is the main focus. The Last Emperor was also scored by Sakamoto, David Byrne, and China's Su Cong, while Little Buddha was Sakamoto's sole work. Sakamoto only won an Academy Award once, for `` The Last Emperor ,'' but he won the Best Original Score twice at the Golden Globe Awards, for `` The Last Emperor '' and ``The Sheltering Sky.''

"The Sheltering Sky" (c)Photofest / Getty Images

There is no doubt that what makes Sakamoto's score stand out in ``The Sheltering Sky'' is the footage by the famous cameraman Vittorio Storaro. He has collaborated with Bertolucci on many works including `` The Conformist '' (1970) and `` Last Tango in Paris '' (1972), and of course also participated in the Oriental Trilogy. He has also shown his talent in `` Apocalypse Now '' (1979), `` Reds '' (1981), and in recent years, Woody Allen's works. Winner of the Academy Award three times. He is one of the world's best cinematographers, nicknamed the "magician of light."


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  2. movie
  3. The Sheltering Sky
  4. "The Sheltering Sky" A beautiful fusion of Ryuichi Sakamoto's famous score and the magician of light. Expressions that seem strange in modern times