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  4. 'Love Streams' Unprotected 'love life'
'Love Streams' Unprotected 'love life'

(c) MCMLXXXIV Cannon Films, Inc.

'Love Streams' Unprotected 'love life'


"Love Streams" synopsis

Robert Herrmann, a popular writer who depicts the loneliness and love of modern people, takes young women to stay with him and forms a commune that resembles a pseudo-family. Robert was born as a "people person" and was always surrounded by people, but whenever he was about to find happiness, he always ran away from them. One day, Robert decides to take care of his son with his ex-wife. Robert is confused and doesn't know how to interact with his son. Meanwhile, Robert's sister Sarah has decided to divorce her husband of 15 years. They have been negotiating over custody of their only daughter, but Sarah has a seizure when her daughter refuses to live with her. Sarah is unable to maintain her mental balance due to her delicate and passionate temperament, and is repeatedly hospitalized. Sarah, who was not relieved of her depression even after going to Europe at the recommendation of a psychiatrist, decides to visit her younger brother Robert for the first time in a while...


A constant flow of love

"For half the time you don't know what you're doing" (John Cassavetes)*1

A woman who searches for never-ending love and a man who is constantly loved. A woman who loves too intensely and a man who lives in frivolous love. Sarah (Gena Rowlands) and Robert (John Cassavetes) seem to have little in common in their philosophies in life. However, as the movie progresses, it seems like the two are similar for some reason. Something is born between the two that goes beyond the easy-to-understand diagram of a complementary relationship between the characters. Anxiety that threatens to shake each other's existence is laid bare in an unexpected way. A collision of souls. It's a very Cassavetes-esque moment.

John Cassavetes' films reject reasonable rationality. Sarah's fierceness leaves those around her stunned. She is treated as a "sick person". Everyone parries her intensity in appropriate places. But only Robert accepts the intensity. ``Love Streams'' (1984) is a film that questions the ever-overflowing flow of love.

"Love Streams" (c) MCMLXXXIV Cannon Films, Inc.

This film is a culmination of Cassavetes' films. John Cassavetes was told by doctors that he didn't have much time left to live several months before filming began. For John Cassavetes, who did not recognize his next film, ` `Big Trouble '' (1986), as his own directorial work, for which he had no editing rights, this is effectively his last film, in which he had full control.

Another important factor was that the production company, Cannon Films, wanted the film to be evaluated from an artistic perspective. During this period, Cannon Films was at its peak with director Menaham Golan, who was known for his action films starring Chuck Norris, but on the other hand, they also produced this film and Jean-Luc Godard's ``Godard's King Lear'' ( 87) has also entered the production industry. John Cassavetes proposed the film as ``a movie that would never make a profit'' and obtained the rights to the final cut.


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  4. 'Love Streams' Unprotected 'love life'