2. movie
  3. A Woman Under the Influence
  4. “A Woman Under the Influence” The strength of Cassavetes’ film as it penetrates into the characters’ inner lives.
“A Woman Under the Influence” The strength of Cassavetes’ film as it penetrates into the characters’ inner lives.

(c)1974 Faces International Films, Inc.

“A Woman Under the Influence” The strength of Cassavetes’ film as it penetrates into the characters’ inner lives.


A director's work that was unlucky until the 1970s

John Cassavetes is now a popular director in Japanese mini-theaters, but many of his masterpieces made in the 1960s and 1970s, such as `` Faces '' and ``A Woman Under the Influence,'' were imported into Japan during the same period. This led to a period of unlucky times. Although his directorial debut, `` American Shadow '', was somehow shown on the independent ATG network, there was no video at that time, so the 1970s was a Intolerance era.

However, as an actor, Cassavetes appeared in many movies at this time and his face was well known. He has appeared in films such as `` Panic in Stadium '' (1976) and Brian De Palma's ` `Fury '' (1978). The latter villain was particularly impactful. Many of his works from the 1960s have been aired on TV, such as his old works `` Tokkou Daisakusen '' (1967) and `` Rosemary's Baby '' (1968), and he played the role of a criminal in `` Detective Columbo: Black Etude '' (72) (Now that I think about it, he co-starred with Peter Falk, the actor from the Cassavetes family).

“A Woman Under the Influence” (c) 1974 Faces International Films, Inc.

Although he was well known in the 1970s as a unique actor, it was hard to imagine just how great of a director he was just by looking at him as an actor, and my imagination continued to grow. One of his masterpieces, ``A Woman Under the Influence,'' was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Director and Best Actress (for Gena Rowlands) at the 1975 Academy Awards, but it was still not imported.

Diane Jacobs's book “ Hollywood Renaiassance ”, published in 1977, featured typical American directors of the 1970s and was treated as a film textbook. There is a chapter on Cassavetes, along with Hal Ashby, Michael Ritchie, and others. "I want to call you 'Father,'" it says.

It wasn't until 1980's `` Gloria '' that Cassavetes' films really started to attract attention in Japan, which was released in general theaters, but in the 1980s when mini-theaters were on the rise, Cine Saison Shibuya opened. `` Love Streams '' has been released. Then, in 1993, Cassavetes' phantom old works from the 1960s and 1970s were finally included. A film festival titled ``The Cassavetes Collection'' was held at three Saison-style mini-theaters in Tokyo, and ``A Woman Under the Influence'' also set foot on Japanese soil, 19 years after its American release.


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  2. movie
  3. A Woman Under the Influence
  4. “A Woman Under the Influence” The strength of Cassavetes’ film as it penetrates into the characters’ inner lives.