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  3. All about dawn
  4. “Everything about dawn” How to regulate your breathing at dawn
“Everything about dawn” How to regulate your breathing at dawn

Ⓒ Maiko Seo / 2024 "Everything at Dawn" Production Committee

“Everything about dawn” How to regulate your breathing at dawn


Synopsis of "All at Dawn"

Once a month, Fujisawa-san's PMS (premenstrual syndrome) makes her irritable and uncontrollable. One day, a small action by her coworker, Yamazoe-kun, causes her to explode in anger. However, Yamazoe-kun, who had just changed jobs and seemed unmotivated, also suffers from panic disorder, and has given up on many things, losing his will to live and his energy. Supported by the understanding of his coworkers, the two of them are neither friends nor lovers, but a special feeling like comrades begins to grow between them. Before long, she begins to think that even if her own symptoms don't improve, she can help the other person.


Distance movies

The next morning arrives, leaving us with a pleasant feeling of fatigue. Shadows of people drifting in the twilight. Flowers and plants stretching slowly. It's a special time of day when it feels as if the entire world is breathing in unison. Director Miyake Sho's films always capture the unique atmosphere that can only be born at dawn. "All at Dawn" (24), based on a novel by Seo Maiko. The title itself already represents Miyake Sho's film.

"What kind of person do I want others to think of me as?" (Seo Maiko, "All at Dawn")

The original story begins with the above sentence. Misa Fujisawa (Moe Kamishiraishi) has no ambition. She seems to live her life just to be right in her own way so as not to cause trouble to others. However, Fujisawa is unable to suppress her irritability due to PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Although she is capable of doing almost any job without any problems, when she is about to get her period, she becomes bothered by trivial things and explodes in anger in front of others.

"Everything at Dawn" Trailer

One day, Fujisawa is caught on a cell phone video venting her anger at work. The video shows a colleague trying to calm her down. However, his words, which are meant to settle things peacefully, only amplify Fujisawa's irritation. Due to her PMS attacks, she feels the harshness of life. And she is fed up with herself. She can't stay here. In the end, she has no choice but to run away from each workplace. But without work, she can't live.

For Fujisawa, her workplace at Kurita Scientific is a place of comfort she has finally found. All of her colleagues are about two generations older than her. The atmosphere at work is not pushy. This is the "sense of distance" she was looking for. And this film is a film that depicts that very "sense of distance."

At this workplace, Fujisawa meets Yamazoe (Matsumura Hokuto), who suffers from panic disorder. Fujisawa and Yamazoe maintain a distance that never evolves into love. The physical and mental distance and relationship between the two is what makes this film so special. There is absolutely no ulterior motive between Fujisawa and Yamazoe. They simply want to care for each other's symptoms to the best of their ability. Above all, the lack of ulterior motives is something both of them are grateful for.

This role could only be played by Mone Kamishiraishi and Hokuto Matsumura. That's what's great about it. There's no unpleasantness in the way the two of them discover and understand each other's eyes. In this film, there is a scene where the two of them take turns reading aloud a sentence, and the two of them acting together is just like a "duet."


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  3. All about dawn
  4. “Everything about dawn” How to regulate your breathing at dawn