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  3. Interstellar
  4. “Interstellar” A challenge to express black holes based on scientific background
“Interstellar” A challenge to express black holes based on scientific background

(c) 2014 Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. and Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.

“Interstellar” A challenge to express black holes based on scientific background


Interior depiction of a black hole

In this way, ``Interstellar'' was a movie that was scientifically researched more thoroughly than ever before, but the depiction of the black hole that appears near the end of the movie was created entirely from the imagination. This is because it is impossible to observe the interior of the "event horizon" on the surface of a black hole, much less the singularity at its center, where conventional physics would break down.

Additionally, Cooper's body would be turned into spaghetti due to tidal forces, and the time difference between him and the world outside the black hole would become infinite.

"Interstellar" (c) 2014 Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. and Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.

The story was told that an unknown being (future humanity) created the wormhole and prepared a special space there. This space is behind the bookshelf in Murph's room, and it is set up so that the `` Tesseract: Hypercube '' becomes an infinitely repeating fifth dimension and can move along multiple time axes in the same way as space.

In order to realize this abstract expression, production designer Nathan Crowley repeatedly designed (*2) using 3DCG and models with the staff of Double Negative. created a set. McConaughey was then suspended from a wire on the set (4-point suspension at the shoulders and waist) and photographed using a crane.

Furthermore, this image was digitally processed using Double Negative over a period of one year, and was depicted as an infinite space that repeats forward, backward, left, right, up and down. When Cooper's Arrival is conveyed to Murph, this space collapses as if folding inward. This expression was also visualized by Double Negative's staff by solving complex equations for the hypercube.

*2 This Tesseract is designed so that the texture of each room extends. This expresses slicing the space along the time axis, and ``2001: A Space OdysseyThe slit scan image, which was also used in ``Image 2,'' was used as a reference. This expression was created by director Spike Jonze.Apple HomePod's commercial, and the director group BIF's 'Playgrounds Festival 2014It also influenced the opening title of ``.


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  4. “Interstellar” A challenge to express black holes based on scientific background