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  3. Interstellar
  4. “Interstellar” A challenge to express black holes based on scientific background
“Interstellar” A challenge to express black holes based on scientific background

(c) 2014 Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. and Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.

“Interstellar” A challenge to express black holes based on scientific background


what is the theme of this movie

As a result, ``Interstellar'' has become a movie that cannot be fully understood without a certain level of scientific knowledge. I think the Nolan brothers were aware of this, and instead of running away from trying to appeal to the masses, they approached it head-on.

The theme of this film, as I interpret it, is ``What is necessary for humanity's next step?'' Regarding this, both `` 2001: A Space Odyssey '' (68) and `` Contact '' (1997) provided only vague answers.

"Interstellar" (c) 2014 Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. and Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.

This movie shows that the completion of a theory of everything (*3) that integrates the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics will lead to a breakthrough, and the climax scene shows that the answer lies in the singularity of a black hole. That seems to be the case. This allows humans to manipulate gravity to easily send huge structures into space and build new worlds. And by manipulating wormholes, you can freely travel between stars (Interstellar).

*3 As a work that tackles this "theory of everything" head-on, the 3D dome video "The man from the 9th dimension” (16). It's a rare hard science fiction work in Japan, and it's worth seeing.

Text: Takayuki Oguchi

In 1982, he became the director of Japan's first CG production, JCGL. After working as the head designer for the IMAX Dome 3D video "Universe 2 ~Sound of the Sun~" at the Fujitsu Pavilion at EXPO'90, he became a freelance video creator. Won an Emmy Award for the NHK special ``Life: A 4 Billion Year Distant Journey'' (1994). His most recent work is the supervision of NHK E-Tele's ``Kongura CG Classroom'' (18). He is also a video journalist specializing in VFX, CG, 3D movies, art animation, exhibition videos, etc., and has contributed numerous articles to film magazines, theater pamphlets, the web, etc. In addition to being a visiting professor at Digital Hollywood University, he is also a part-time lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Animation, Nihon Gei Film Department, and Japan Electronics College.

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(c) 2014 Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. and Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.


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  4. “Interstellar” A challenge to express black holes based on scientific background