2. movie
  3. Ex Libris: The New York Public Library
  4. “Ex Libris: The New York Public Library” Libraries are pillars of democracy. Presented by master Frederick Wiseman
“Ex Libris: The New York Public Library” Libraries are pillars of democracy. Presented by master Frederick Wiseman

(c)2017 EX LIBRIS Films LLC – All Rights Reserved

“Ex Libris: The New York Public Library” Libraries are pillars of democracy. Presented by master Frederick Wiseman


Libraries become “pillars of democracy”

The New York Public Library's affiliated facilities include the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, located in Harlem and housing many materials related to Africa and black culture. The film also shows scenes from the center's 90th anniversary celebration. In his speech, the center's representative introduced a quote by Nobel Prize-winning black female author Toni Morrison, who said, ``Libraries are pillars of democracy.''

"Libraries are pillars of democracy." This symbolic phrase connects the efforts of the entire library introduced in this work to a single purpose and philosophy. In modern society, it is important to know information and acquire the ability to think about things systematically.

“Ex Libris: The New York Public Library” (c)2017 EX LIBRIS Films LLC – All Rights Reserved

If only those with power were to monopolize knowledge, the hierarchy would become fixed, and those without social power would continue to be dominated. But if you are knowledgeable, you will not be fooled by government policies, unscrupulous corporations, or lies that try to distort history and society. And you can also find ways to counter it. That is why libraries, which share knowledge equally and free of charge with all people, can become a pillar of democracy.

And knowledge becomes a window to a new world, a door to the outside world. It breaks the chains of old-fashioned fixed ideas and gives you mental freedom. This film's images of people who work in libraries with pride and people who use libraries to gain knowledge seem to be imprinted with each person's passion for "knowledge." ``I want a wonderful library like this in my neighborhood.'' This is a documentary that makes you feel that way.

Text: Kei Onodera

A film critic who wanders around and writes for web media and magazines, aiming to become a movie hermit. We will convey the "deep" content of the movie in an easy-to-understand manner from various angles.

Twitter: @kmovie

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"Ex Libris: The New York Public Library"

Roadshow starting May 18, 2019 (Saturday) at Iwanami Hall and other locations nationwide!

Distribution: Mimosa Films/Mviola

Official website: http://moviola.jp/nypl/

(c)2017 EX LIBRIS Films LLC – All Rights Reserved

*Information at the time of article publication in May 2019.


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  2. movie
  3. Ex Libris: The New York Public Library
  4. “Ex Libris: The New York Public Library” Libraries are pillars of democracy. Presented by master Frederick Wiseman