2. movie
  3. Spider-Man: Far from Home
  4. “Spider-Man: Far from Home” What lies beyond the “three illusions”? ※note! Contains spoilers.
“Spider-Man: Far from Home” What lies beyond the “three illusions”? ※note! Contains spoilers.

(c)2019 CTMG. (c) & TM 2019 MARVEL.

“Spider-Man: Far from Home” What lies beyond the “three illusions”? ※note! Contains spoilers.


*Information at the time of article publication in June 2019.

*This article touches on the core of the story, so we recommend reading it after watching the movie.

"Spider-Man: Far from Home" synopsis

Peter (Tom Holland) goes on a trip to Europe with his school friends during summer vacation. However, waiting there is former SHIELD Director Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson). Nick senses a new threat approaching and needs Spider-Man's help in the fight. Peter is frightened by the overwhelming enemy that stands in front of him, but Nick entrusts the mission to Spider-Man. Elementals that control the forces of nature, such as fire and water, are plunging European cities such as Venice, Berlin, and London, and other countries into crisis. Nick is said to have come from another dimension. Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal) is introduced to Peter, and he joins Peter in confronting the enemy.


The true theme is "overcoming illusions"

Stunning. This is all I can say.

Two months after `` Avengers: Endgame '' (2019), which shocked the entire world, a continuation of that story has been released. This work is the final work (epilogue) of "Phase 3" of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe), and is also a bridge (prologue) to the "Phase 4" that follows.

This work squarely overcomes the imperative to conclude the story without losing the emotion of ``The Game'' and to create expectations for the future MCU. It's like Spider-Man, who despite struggling, pushes forward towards his ideal hero.

This time, I would like to talk about the structural appeal of this work, including some spoilers.

First, let's briefly review the process leading up to ``Spider-Man: Far from Home''. Five years have passed since the most powerful enemy, Thanos, wiped out half of all life in the universe in ` `Avengers: Infinity War '' (2018), and the Avengers have revived the lost lives. In exchange for the sacrifices of Iron Man/Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) and other heroes...

“Spider-Man: Far from Home” preview

The film depicts Spider-Man/Peter Parker (Tom Holland) returning to school life, traveling to Europe with his classmates, and confronting a new threat that threatens to plunge the world into chaos. In addition to links with previous works that MCU fans are excited about, the volume of "romance", which was an important element in the " Spider-Man " (02-07) and " The Amazing Spider-Man " (12-14) series, has increased significantly, It is designed to satisfy fans of.

Unable to fully accept the reality that his mentor, Tony, has died, Peter is busy acting as both a hero and a student. From the beginning, perhaps out of a sense of loss, he is shown trying to become overly absorbed in "love" (at first glance it seems like a cheerful scene, but considering his latent anxiety, it is quite complex). In order to refresh himself, he takes a break from his hero activities and goes on a school trip, but the world is dominated by "Iron Man Loss" more than he imagined.

This time, the enemy appears from inside and outside Peter. The theme of this work is ``overcoming illusions''.


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  2. movie
  3. Spider-Man: Far from Home
  4. “Spider-Man: Far from Home” What lies beyond the “three illusions”? ※note! Contains spoilers.