2. movie
  3. Child's Play (1988)
  4. Classic horror ``Child's Play'' Innovative ideas and the secret of Chucky's birth
Classic horror ``Child's Play'' Innovative ideas and the secret of Chucky's birth

(c)1988 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc.

Classic horror ``Child's Play'' Innovative ideas and the secret of Chucky's birth


"Child's Play" synopsis

Charles, a murderer on the run, takes refuge in a toy store. Charles, who is on the verge of death after being shot, transfers his soul to the Good Guy doll using Voodoo magic and transforms it into the murderous doll ``Chucky''. Andy, the boy who bought Chucky, realizes that the doll is alive and evil, but no one believes him. Chucky's evil hand approaches Andy!


A look behind the scenes of the big hit in America at the time

A murder doll with eerie, shining blue eyes and a freckled face. Just this brief description brings his face to mind. There is no need to say much about the existence of the good guy doll, the murder doll "Chucky", who has an evil soul. The classic horror "Child's Play" (1988), which depicts the terrifying experiences of a boy from a single-parent family, has become a hugely popular series with six sequels and one reboot.

However, there were works that depicted the scary nature of dolls before "Child's Play." There are countless doll horror movies, such as the wooden doll in the three-part anthology film "The Beauty Who Terrified" (1975), the ventriloquist doll Fats in " Magic " (1978) starring Anthony Hopkins, and " Poltergeist " (1982) and " Dolls " (1987).

So what was so great about "Child's Play"? How did it become so popular? The answer is that there are a number of intertwining factors.

First of all, "Child's Play" had a sense of humor. It went beyond the framework of a simple doll horror film, and added elements of black comedy to a formulaic horror story of brutal murder, making it highly entertaining. In addition, before it was a horror film, it was also a slasher film. From the 1970s to the 1980s, slasher films in which a The Texas Chain Saw Massacre kills people one after another were at their peak, such as "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" (1974), " Halloween " (1978), " Friday the 13th " (1980), and "A Nightmare A Nightmare on Elm Street " (1984). It was likely that the popularity of "Child's Play" reached a boiling point in an instant by capitalizing on this trend.

"Child's Play" (c)1988 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc.

Also, around 1982, the Cabbage Patch Kids boom hit the US. Cabbage Patch dolls were available in thousands of variations, with differences in skin, eye color, clothing, hairstyle, etc., and became a huge hit across the US, with the selling point that "no two are alike." Each doll came with a birth certificate with the doll's name and date of birth, a testament to the meticulous attention to detail.

It was an unprecedented hit, selling over 100 million units, but gradually, rumors began to spread among buyers that the doll was possessed by a demon. The truth behind this demon possession fuss is unknown, but it has long been believed that demons and spirits reside in dolls, so it cannot be denied outright. Child's Play, which was released amid such rumors about the doll, unintentionally acquired a strange sense of reality, which led to its record-breaking success (in fact, it is said that the Chucky doll was modeled after the Cabbage Patch doll).


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  2. movie
  3. Child's Play (1988)
  4. Classic horror ``Child's Play'' Innovative ideas and the secret of Chucky's birth