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  3. No Country for Old Men
  4. ``No Country for Old Men'' Fear without assertion or pain. “Disappearance of emotion” that brings an end to the previous era
``No Country for Old Men'' Fear without assertion or pain. “Disappearance of emotion” that brings an end to the previous era

(C) 2007 by Paramount Vantage, a division of Paramount Pictures and Miramax Film Corp. All Rights Reserved.

``No Country for Old Men'' Fear without assertion or pain. “Disappearance of emotion” that brings an end to the previous era


The end of “strong America” symbolized by the main character who keeps running away

As suggested by Bell's opening narration, this film depicts the destruction of the former United States in a western style. Moss, an Jack Reacher, "flees" from a threat and is "pursued" by Chigurh, a modern psychopath. Bell, the embodiment of the previous era, tries to intervene, but the story progresses as he basically follows her.

The structure in which the elders are rejected, the American outlaws are chased out, and the presence of foreign countries invades symbolizes a turning point that the United States was facing in the 1980s under the Reagan administration. is. Coincidentally, it was in 1983 that the Internet was put into practical use and the world was connected (there are various theories). The era depicted in this work can be said to be the final timing, marking the end of the Galapagos.

Although it tends to be hidden behind Chigar's strong presence, I would like you to pay attention to the scenes where Moss "doesn't fight". The setting of a returning soldier who stumbles upon a large sum of money stained with blood would be typical of the main character in an old Western movie. However, when Moss gets caught up in a gunfight, he attempts to escape in front of the enemy. The scene in which he continues to run through the wilderness without firing back, jumps into a river, and is chased by dogs is a very modern approach that overturns the traditional image of the protagonist.

"No Country for Old Men" (C) 2007 by Paramount Vantage, a Division of Paramount Pictures and Miramax Film Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Even after that, Moss continues to run away, and although he prepares in case he is attacked, he never attacks on his own. Rather than pride or appearance, he puts survival first. It may seem "normal" if you look at it today, but it also feels like the end of a "strong America."

After the Iraq war, films such as "The Departed" (2006), which was an adaptation of the " Jason Bourne " series (2002-16), " Crash " (2004), the Hong Kong film " Infernal Affairs " (2002-03), and " The Fixer " (2007) were released. ) and other American "self-denial" films were at the height of their popularity, but this film, released in 2007, can also be said to be a film that clearly reflects the atmosphere of the '00s, even though it is set in the 1980s. unknown.


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  3. No Country for Old Men
  4. ``No Country for Old Men'' Fear without assertion or pain. “Disappearance of emotion” that brings an end to the previous era