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  3. Hidden Figures
  4. Who are the three women who supported the masterpiece “Hidden Figures” human drama?
Who are the three women who supported the masterpiece “Hidden Figures” human drama?

(c)2016Twentieth Century Fox

Who are the three women who supported the masterpiece “Hidden Figures” human drama?


*Information as of October 2017 article publication.

"Hidden Figures" synopsis

The year is 1961, during the Cold War between East and West, when the United States and the Soviet Union are engaged in a fierce space development competition. At NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, black women with brilliant minds gathered in the "Western Computing Group" and worked as calculation staff. Dorothy (Octavia Spencer), a leader, wants to be promoted to a managerial position, but her boss Mitchell (Kirsten Dunst) flatly rejects her request, saying, ``We don't put managers in black groups.'' Mary (Janelle Monáe) has decided to transfer to the engineering department and aspires to become an engineer, but she has given up on her dream, thinking it is impossible for her as a black person. Katherine (Taraji P. Henson), who has been considered a math prodigy since childhood, is the first black woman to be assigned to the Space Research Center, led by Harrison (Kevin Costner), but she struggles with her job in an all-white male workplace. The atmosphere is bitter, and the building doesn't even have restrooms for people of color. Still, the three of them, each with their own families, lived their lives with dedication in their work and private life, striving to contribute to NASA's Mercury Project, which staked national prestige.

On April 12, 1961, the Soviet Union's Vostok 1, carrying Yuri Gagarin, completed the first manned spaceflight to circumnavigate the Earth. Amid intense pressure on NASA, which had been surpassed by the Soviet Union, Catherine endured a poor office environment and worked on the complex calculations and analyzes essential for rocket launches, demonstrating her unique ability. He was recognized by Harrison and was given a central role in the Space Special Research Headquarters. Dorothy was appointed to handle data processing using the newly installed IBM computer. Mary's vow to the court comes to fruition, and she seizes the Being There to enroll in an engineer training program at a school that had previously been reserved for whites. Furthermore, Catherine, who has lost her husband and has been raising three children on her own, accepts a sincere marriage proposal from Lt. Col. Jim Johnson (Mahershala Ali), whom she met at church.

Then, on February 20, 1962, the day arrived when astronaut John Glenn became the first American to fly into orbit around the Earth. However, just as this historic feat was attracting national attention, an unexpected problem occurred just before the launch. Catherine, who had already finished her duties and left the Space Special Research Headquarters, was entrusted with an important "calculation" that could not be left to a computer...


The activities of “unknown women” in NASA’s space development

Through the screen, a strong wind blew through my core. There are movies in the world that give you endless energy just by watching them, but the thrilling energy and comfort you get from this movie is exceptional. Above all, the story is irresistible in that it depicts people who face three obstacles: NASA's space development, gender differences, and the challenges of adversity surrounding skin color. And each movement will eventually become one. The characters form a strong bond, and as flames erupt from the engine, it is as if the very existence of this movie is being soared high into the sky. Those of us looking up at the scene will feel as if we are witnessing a great feat of humanity, and our intellectual curiosity will be aroused by the ``unknown history'' that will be told there.

Yes, this is "unknown history". In the 1960s, at NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, there were women who took on the role of "human computer." “Compute” means “to calculate.” At the time, the women in this department were responsible for the enormous and complex calculations associated with space exploration. All of the people appointed were mathematicians who had mastered this field. There were many African Americans among them, and they were initially called the "West Computing Team," as they worked in a building on the west side, separate from the white staff.

“Hidden Figures” (c)2016Twentieth Century Fox

At a time when it was thought that the only job African women could do, no matter how good they were, was to be a school teacher, and the three main heroines were able to spread their talents to the fullest while facing adversity. Each of them will become a significant contributor to NASA's space development. It goes without saying that the lives and achievements of these women served as a major foundation for the careers of women and people of African descent, and were directly linked to the space project, which is also a national project. This fact can be said to have an extremely important symbolic meaning in American history.

Interestingly, the average American has no prior knowledge of the facts depicted in the movie ``Hidden Figures.'' Therefore, the content that was presented stirred people's hearts and made people wonder, ``This could have happened!'' Word of mouth spread from person to person, and this work became a huge hit, which is extremely rare for a hard-core human drama, and won an Academy Award. This led to nominations in each category.


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  2. movie
  3. Hidden Figures
  4. Who are the three women who supported the masterpiece “Hidden Figures” human drama?