3. Realizing large-scale screening of “Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence” (4K restored version) and “Corrida of Love” (restored version) Interview with director Arata Oshima of Nagisa Oshima Production [CINEMORE ACADEMY Vol.16]
Realizing large-scale screening of “Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence” (4K restored version) and “Corrida of Love” (restored version) Interview with director Arata Oshima of Nagisa Oshima Production [CINEMORE ACADEMY Vol.16]

Realizing large-scale screening of “Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence” (4K restored version) and “Corrida of Love” (restored version) Interview with director Arata Oshima of Nagisa Oshima Production [CINEMORE ACADEMY Vol.16]


A masterpiece created to follow up on poor acting.

Q: Why did director Oshima cast Ryuichi Sakamoto?

Oshima: I think there was a photo book of various musicians at the time. Mr. Sakamoto is not alone. I once heard that my father saw it and somehow liked the way it looked.

Q: You have a good sense of seeing through people. However, although his presence was amazing, Mr. Sakamoto could not act. What did Director Oshima think on set?

Oshima: I asked the critic Naofumi Higuchi about this, but before the scene where he kisses David Bowie, there's a scene in which Mr. Sakamoto angrily tells the prisoners, "You guys aren't sick!" Apparently, my father hilariously imitated Mr. Sakamoto's acting at that time while editing. They said things like, "You guys aren't sick!" Don't you think it's terrible?

I said, ``He's funny, he improvised.'' If you're going to do something like that, you should just reshoot it (lol). I also feel sorry for Sakamoto-san. But it seems that Mr. Sakamoto also saw Rush and realized that his own acting was poor, so he tried his best to make it up with the song.

“Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence” (4K restored version) ©Oshima Nagisa Productions

Q: So that famous song “ Merry Christmas Mr.Lawrence ” was born!

Oshima: That's right. It's a really famous song.

Q: It was because of ``Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence Sakamoto won the Academy Award for Best Original Score for `` The Last Emperor '' (1987), and Takeshi also became aware of movies and became a worldwide presence as a director. . There is a line in the play that says, ``Sowing seeds,'' and the work itself is sowing seeds.

Oshima: I am also in charge of copyright management for Oshima Productions, so I realize that the influence of ``Sen Meri'' is on a different order of magnitude than other works. I think it's a special work in many ways, not just as a single movie, but in the way it spreads out.


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  3. Realizing large-scale screening of “Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence” (4K restored version) and “Corrida of Love” (restored version) Interview with director Arata Oshima of Nagisa Oshima Production [CINEMORE ACADEMY Vol.16]