2. Director's Interview
  3. "Little Circus" Director Yoshiro Osaka It was the boys' positive attitude that made the movie possible [Director's Interview Vol.199]
"Little Circus" Director Yoshiro Osaka It was the boys' positive attitude that made the movie possible [Director's Interview Vol.199]

© 2022 A Little Circus

"Little Circus" Director Yoshiro Osaka It was the boys' positive attitude that made the movie possible [Director's Interview Vol.199]


The power of movies

Q: The film has a short running time of 26 minutes, but was there any intention behind it?

Osaka: It was an independent film, and it was difficult to make it a full-length film from a financial standpoint. I made it short to ensure that it can be realized. We received feedback such as ``This theme could have been made into a full-length feature,'' but even if we made it too long, it might have become boring with all the beautiful footage lined up. Even when I was writing the script, I had envisioned it being a short story, so I think it was a good idea to go with a short story this time.

Q: As mentioned in the comment at the end of the film, this film appeals to the current state of the Cambodian circus. What do you think about the power that movies have in addressing these social issues?

Osaka: After making this movie, I was able to feel the power that movies have. Many people who saw the movie made donations and spoke with us, showing an interest in the project. I realized that the Arrival of a movie can reach people across borders.

Also, in this movie, I did not portray the pandemic that took away their dreams as evil. That was the attitude of the boys in the circus. They do not complain about problems or become unfaithful, but live positively. I made this movie with the desire to capture those innocent and dazzling boys in a movie. So this time, I made a movie with a positive atmosphere rather than a pessimistic one, and it was a discovery for me that everyone received that Arrival so well. It made me realize that there are a lot of good people in the world.

“Little Circus” © 2022 A Little Circus

Q: What kind of movies do you want to make in the future?

Osaka: I'm thinking of making a short independent film again. I'm from Tokachi, Hokkaido, which has a thriving agricultural industry, and I'm planning to film a story about a farmer's wedding in the 1950s and 1950s, set there. I actually moved to Tokachi, moved my base there, and began preparing for the film on a daily basis. Of course, I'm still working in Tokyo, but I want to take on challenges in an experimental way, including how to make movies.

After filming in Cambodia, I realized that being able to shoot a movie in a city that I know and am familiar with makes it easier to make decisions in many ways that I can agree with. I would like to continue creating things based on what I have actually seen and heard.


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  2. Director's Interview
  3. "Little Circus" Director Yoshiro Osaka It was the boys' positive attitude that made the movie possible [Director's Interview Vol.199]