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  3. "Wallace and Gromit" Contrast between cheese and rocket [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.3]
"Wallace and Gromit" Contrast between cheese and rocket [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.3]

"Wallace and Gromit" Contrast between cheese and rocket [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.3]


A delicious cheese moon and a lonely robot

Even after reaching the lunar surface, the contrast in texture is striking.

In a series of scenes in which Wallace sits on a leisure seat, cuts off a bulge on the ground with a butter knife, and eats it on crackers, the moon's surface, which at first glance looks like pale yellow clay, turns out to be like edible cheese. I can feel it and it looks very delicious.

I think it's because the contrast between soft and hard cheese is so well done that the cheese being cut with a butter knife has such persuasive power.

There is also a lonely robot caretaker on the moon, and it is interesting to see a mechanical character standing alone on the yellow clay moon surface.

The robot is angry at Wallace for trying to scrape off the moon's cheese and return home, but at the same time he admires Earth and tries to board the rocket after the inventor and the dog.

At the last moment, the rocket fires and the robot is blown away by the explosion. Once again he is alone, but he enjoys skiing, his dream sport, using the iron plate that came off the rocket.

The film, in which the strength and weakness of different textures add depth to the film, ends with a picture of a robot sliding down a round mountain of cheese on iron skis.

After this “Cheese Holiday”, the series will be “Watch out for Penguin!” ” (1993), “ Crisis! ” (1995), and in 2005, his first full-length film, “ Wallace and Gromit: In a Big Difficulty in the Vegetable Garden!” ” has been released, and each time the scale has increased with an impact that is hard to believe that it is a clay animation, and the modeling and images are becoming more and more beautiful.

Even so, the contrast between softness and hardness that was seen in ``Cheese Holiday'' is always present on the screen, and even though the dolls are now beautifully molded, there are still faint fingerprints left somewhere, which is a relief. It's like a Signs, and I think it's a trademark of ``Wallace and Gromit,'' just like the miniature British cuteness of things like wallpaper and tableware, and the fashionable yet slightly silly atmosphere.

“Wallace and Gromit are in a big pinch in the vegetable garden! Watch now


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  2. NEWS/Feature
  3. "Wallace and Gromit" Contrast between cheese and rocket [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.3]