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  3. Harry Potter and the Magic School Christmas [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.14]
Harry Potter and the Magic School Christmas [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.14]

Harry Potter and the Magic School Christmas [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.14]


harry's first christmas

On Christmas morning, after exchanging congratulatory greetings with his roommate and best friend Ron Weasley, Harry opened his first present. It was a hand-knitted sweater given to him by Ron's mother, with a large "H" knitted on the chest. Ron also received a sweater with an "R", but he seemed a little tired of his mother's sweater, which he wore every year. However, for Harry, who had spent 11 unfortunate years at his aunt's house, it was the first present that seemed like a gift of love.

Harry also receives a gift from someone, a memento of his father called the "Invisibility Cloak." This cloak makes Harry invisible when he wears it, and Harry's adventures at the school expand at a stretch. He wanders around the castle every night and learns many secrets, but he also learns that his father, whom he has never met, also went on similar adventures when he was young.

Harry's first Christmas connects him to his family, not only his biological father, but also his new family, the Weasleys, who welcomed him warmly. Wizards' Christmas is no different from Muggles' (non-magical people). I think it's easy to understand and familiar, especially from the perspective of Japan, where Christmas is enjoyed a little removed from the origins of the celebration.


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  2. NEWS/Feature
  3. Harry Potter and the Magic School Christmas [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.14]