2. Actor's Interview
  3. I admired Hanagiku, who stands up despite feeling weak. "Chrysanthemum and Guillotine" Interview with Aso Kiryu [Actor's Interview Vol.2]
I admired Hanagiku, who stands up despite feeling weak. "Chrysanthemum and Guillotine" Interview with Aso Kiryu [Actor's Interview Vol.2]

I admired Hanagiku, who stands up despite feeling weak. "Chrysanthemum and Guillotine" Interview with Aso Kiryu [Actor's Interview Vol.2]


``The Chrysanthemum and the Guillotine'' was finally made into a movie by master director Takahisa Zeze after 30 years of planning. Aso Kiryu, who successfully won the lead role in the audition, played the difficult role of a female sumo wrestler with all her might and received numerous awards, including the ``Kinema Junpo'' New Actress Award and the Tokyo International Film Festival's Gemstone Award. We asked her, who is currently receiving a lot of attention, to talk about what it was like at the time of the shooting.


The most nervous audition ever

Q: I heard that you were selected for the lead role this time through an audition. What was the audition like?

Kiryu: First, the documents were passed, and in the first round of interviews, we auditioned for the lead role of Hanagiku and all the other female sumo wrestler roles. Six to seven people played each role in turn, changing roles. In the second interview that followed, I think I was somehow selected as a candidate for the role of Hanagiku, mainly from people around my age. After that, I went through the third interview, and then the fourth and final interview, where there were only two people left, and I was given the opportunity to actually perform in the play with Kanichiro, who was playing the other role.

Q: Was Director Zeze present the entire time?

Wood Dragon: Yes. I've been here since the beginning, but I was so nervous during the first interview that I didn't remember anything about Seze-san. . All I remember is that I was nervous. Even after it was over, it felt like my heart was still beating. It was the most nervous audition I've ever been to.

Q: Is there a reason why you were the most nervous?

Kiryu: First of all, this was my first audition after I decided I wanted to pursue a career in film. Also, since the project was for the role of a female sumo wrestler, the application guidelines gave me an unusual feeling. . Another big reason was that I went into it with a certain level of determination. Also, I was first in line for the audition. Anyway, I was really nervous.

Q: Did you have more conversations with the director as the audition progressed?

Kiryu: It didn't really happen until the second and third rounds, but when I had to perform with Kanichiro in the final interview, the director gave me instructions. However, they seemed to want to see how the actors would move, so there were no detailed instructions during the audition.

Q: After that, you successfully passed the lead role. What were your impressions when you first heard the news?

Kiryu: The audition took about a month, so I was really happy when the results came out. But right after that, it was terrible! That's what I thought (laughs). I had a feeling that the days of fighting were about to begin.


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  2. Actor's Interview
  3. I admired Hanagiku, who stands up despite feeling weak. "Chrysanthemum and Guillotine" Interview with Aso Kiryu [Actor's Interview Vol.2]