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  3. Living Alien from “ Men in Black ” [Mizumaru Kawahara’s CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.25]
Living Alien from “ Men in Black ” [Mizumaru Kawahara’s CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.25]

Living Alien from “ Men in Black ” [Mizumaru Kawahara’s CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.25]


Still, real people are amazing

However, the most powerful Alien may be the ones played by real people, not costumed, puppets, or even CG, using only their bodies (and a little make-up). Edgar, played by Vincent D'Onofrio.

Edgar himself is not an Alien, but a rough-and-tumble farmer who assaults his wife, but his internal organs are eaten away by a ferocious bug, a race of insects, and his skin is used as a disguise for the bug. Of course, D'Onofrio continues to act unchanged in the video, but his behavior is truly ``what if another creature were wearing his body'', which is truly a strange performance. It was quite scary when I was a child. I don't know if D'Onofrio knew about the bug's appearance, which would later reveal its true identity, but it really felt like something completely different from a human was moving around in an awkward manner.

At the climax, Edgar's skin is removed to reveal a giant cockroach-shaped Alien. His entire body is brown and shiny, making rustling noises, and has countless sharp teeth in his mouth.Of course this is scary, but he also has pale skin, cloudy eyes, and wears muddy overalls. Well, it's true that the sight of a human acting violently with clumsy movements like the one mentioned above was more frightening than I can describe.

What's impressive about the fight with the bug that reveals its true identity is when Will Smith clings to the bug's tail as it tries to escape by boarding a spaceship. The bug is a fully CG monster, but in this scene it really looks like J is clinging to its body. The bug swung its tail around trying to shake him off, but J's body swayed along with it. According to ILM's behind-the-scenes footage, this scene actually involved the actor clinging to a blue pillow-like object that was as thick as a bug's tail, against a blue background. The realism of this scene seems to lie in Will Smith's flamboyant reaction.

The Alien are vividly depicted using a variety of techniques, and even after 20 years, they have not faded at all, proving that this was an excellent special effects work. However, I once again realized that human performance is also essential.

Illustrations and text: Mizumaru Kawahara

Born in 1991. Illustrator. In addition to illustrations and covers for magazines and books, there are also illustration columns for movies and books. New movie reviews are currently being serialized in "SPUR" (Shueisha).





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  3. Living Alien from “ Men in Black ” [Mizumaru Kawahara’s CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.25]