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  3. Living Alien from “ Men in Black ” [Mizumaru Kawahara’s CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.25]
Living Alien from “ Men in Black ” [Mizumaru Kawahara’s CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.25]

Living Alien from “ Men in Black ” [Mizumaru Kawahara’s CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.25]



Impressive first Alien

When I looked back at the first film in the series, ``Men in Black,'' I was once again surprised by how lively the Alien appeared. I think the space creatures depicted with the special effects of 1997 look just as good today. Many Alien appear throughout the series, but the ones that appear in the first film are especially memorable and can be said to be the characters that defined the worldview of the series.

At the beginning, the title appears in Pablo Ferro's distinctive typeface against a night sky filled with twinkling stars, a mysterious and exciting theme song by Danny Elfman plays, and a dragonfly flies down a night road. Ferro's writing style and Elfman's music match very well. The official "MIB" logo has a strong impression, but I personally like the vertically elongated title that appears here. I think it gives off the atmosphere of the mysterious urban legend that the work is based on.

After the opening scene in which the film continues to chase a flying dragonfly, the dragonfly collides with the windshield of a truck and is crushed (remember the image of an insect being crushed until the end). The truck is filled with smugglers, and the first Alien, Mikey, sneaks into them.

First of all, this Mikey has a very realistic texture. It's kind of slimy and even has tentacles, but its eyes are cute and it's a very impressive visual to show off for the first time. I also like how it effectively mixes the real thing with CG. Also, the Earthling head he used as a disguise is very realistic and scary. The image of a strange creature being scolded by black-clad agents while holding its severed head is funny, and it's probably enough to explain the worldview of this movie. The flow is smart and easy to understand, first showing the daily work of an agent, and then talking about the detailed details through the eyes of the new agent J. I think it depicts a fascinating world where a large number of aliens live among Earthlings, without wasting any waste, and with a good tempo.


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  2. NEWS/Feature
  3. Living Alien from “ Men in Black ” [Mizumaru Kawahara’s CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.25]