2. movie
  3. The Exorcist
  4. “The Exorcist” The story of how a priest who lost his faith regains “God”
“The Exorcist” The story of how a priest who lost his faith regains “God”

(c)2019 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.

“The Exorcist” The story of how a priest who lost his faith regains “God”


"The Exorcist" synopsis

This is a story about an innocent girl possessed by an evil spirit, her mother desperately trying to save her, and two priests, one half-credulous and the other steadfast in their faith, even as they fight against the ultimate evil.


A monumental horror movie that has carved its name in film history.

``The Exorcist'' (1973) is a great horror movie that has carved its name in the history of cinema.

A film adaptation of William Peter Blatty's novel of the same name by William Friedkin, who also directed `` Midnight Party '' (1970) and `` The French Connection '' (1971). It was the highest-grossing film of the year, and was nominated for 10 Academy Awards, winning two for Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Sound. The Exorcist was also the first horror film to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture.

scared. It's true that ``The Exorcist'' is still pretty scary even today. The scene in "Spider Walk" where Regan (Linda Blair)'s head rotates 360 degrees and she bridges backwards down the stairs at breakneck speed is so shocking that it's sure to be traumatic.

“The Exorcist” (c)2019 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.

It is a well-known story that an audience member who saw this movie at the time of its release lost consciousness and broke his jaw, and sued Warner Bros. There is even an episode in the UK where many town councils banned the release of movies, so a travel company organized a bus tour to see the movie.

However, the true horror contained in this movie is not just a depiction of horror. It is the fear that humans no longer believe in the existence of God.

The person who embodies this is Father Karras (Jason Miller). At first glance, this film appears to be a proxy war between God and the devil between Father Merrin (Max von Sydow) and the demon Pazuzu, but it is actually a story about how a priest who lost his faith regains his ``God''. It is also a philosophical human drama. In this article, we will focus on him and examine ``The Exorcist''.


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  2. movie
  3. The Exorcist
  4. “The Exorcist” The story of how a priest who lost his faith regains “God”