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  3. Blade Runner 2049
  4. “Blade Runner 2049” What is the secret to the overwhelming visuals created by genius cinematographer Roger Deakins? ?
“Blade Runner 2049” What is the secret to the overwhelming visuals created by genius cinematographer Roger Deakins? ?

“Blade Runner 2049” What is the secret to the overwhelming visuals created by genius cinematographer Roger Deakins? ?


Creating a “near future” that was impossible and beyond.

In making Blade Runner 2049, Villeneuve and Deakins had to confront the Blade Runner legend, which had been maturing for 35 years. Even if it was able to follow 100% of the original visual style and worldview, it would definitely be considered a ``mere second-order'' work, even though it would be a technical feat. On the other hand, even if you consider it to be something different from the original and pursue your own unique path, fans will be furious and say, ``Then why don't you call yourself ``Blade Runner''?

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Another strange thing about Blade Runner 2049 is that, according to the setting, 30 years have passed since the previous film's 2019. When the original ``Blade Runner'' was made in 1982, ``Blade Runner'' was created as a near-future science fiction movie. The Blade Runner" was created based on analysis and imagination to imagine what the earth will look like 27 years from now and what kind of technology will be realized. That's what it was.

"Blade Runner 2049"

However, in the real world, 2017 has arrived, and both the creators and the audience have long known that a future like ``Blade Runner'' is not coming. There are no replicants that can be mistaken for humans, and there are no cars flying around town. Los Angeles, which has lost its sunlight due to acid rain, no longer exists, and above all, Japanese people are not so scattered around the world. In other words, the year 2049 that "Blade Runner 2049" depicts is not a vision of a possible future, but a fantasy future that lies beyond an imaginary 2019 that could not exist, and is even further removed from reality.

Even if you just imagine it for a moment, you can't help but think that the work is like grasping an incredible cloud. Villeneuve and Deakins had completely mastered the world of Blade Runner and had to create a world 30 years into the future without any guideposts. What seems to have become one important guideline for this is the ``Great Blackout'' incident, which is told in the movie as an event in 2022.


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