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  3. Blade Runner 2049
  4. “Blade Runner 2049” What is the secret to the overwhelming visuals created by genius cinematographer Roger Deakins? ?
“Blade Runner 2049” What is the secret to the overwhelming visuals created by genius cinematographer Roger Deakins? ?

“Blade Runner 2049” What is the secret to the overwhelming visuals created by genius cinematographer Roger Deakins? ?


*Information at the time of article publication in November 2017.

“Blade Runner 2049” synopsis

In 2049, poverty and disease are rampant in California. Replicants, indistinguishable from humans, were manufactured as a labor force and maintained a precarious coexistence with human society. The investigators who crack down on the dangerous "Replicants" are called "Blade Runner" and protect the balance and order between the two societies. While investigating a certain incident, LA Police Department Blade Runner"K" (R. Gosling) learns of a "huge conspiracy" by Wallace Corporation, which is focusing on the development of "Replicants", and becomes the key to uncovering the darkness. arrive at. He is Deckard (H. Ford), a man who once worked as an excellent Blade Runner, but suddenly disappeared with a female replicant and has been missing for 30 years. What on earth did he know? The secret that Deckard has risked his life to protect is now about to be revealed, causing the order of the two worlds of humans and The Truth to collapse and affecting the survival of humanity.


“Uncrowned Emperor” Roger Deakins controls the visuals

`` Blade Runner 2049'' (2017) is the first sequel in 35 years to the monumental science fiction movie ``Blade Runner'' (1982). The director who took over from Ridley Scott , who created the original detailed worldview, was Canadian director Denis Denis, who has produced a series of edgy works such as Sicario (2015) and The Arrival (2016). It's Villeneuve.

Villeneuve is not the only one behind Blade Runner 2049, which inherits the original worldview that sparked a visual revolution in the film industry while aiming for a new horizon in a completely different direction. Roger Deakins , a genius cinematographer who is a 68-year-old veteran and has been nominated for 13 Academy Awards, is in charge of the visual aspects that are the key to the film.

Deakins is also known for being the cinematographer for most of the Coen brothers ' films, starting with 1991's Barton Fink . He has also worked with other famous directors such as Martin Scorsese , Sam Mendes , Ron Howard , and M. Night Shyamalan, and ``Blade Runner 2049'' will be his third collaboration with Villeneuve.

"Blade Runner 2049"

As I wrote earlier, Deakins has been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Cinematography 13 times, but he has never won. In 2007, he received nominations for two films at the same time, `` No Country for Old Men '' and `` The Assassination of Jesse James ,'' and it is said that he missed out on an Oscar because of split votes, but this may just be a matter of chance. . With each new film, people keep asking, ``Will it win this time?'', and it looks like Blade Runner 2049 is definitely going to win the award.* As a fan, I can't help but think that Deakins' work this time around is so outstanding. *Later, this film won the Academy Award for Cinematography!


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