2. movie
  3. The Midnight Sky
  4. "The Midnight Sky" George Clooney projects his current self into his work, a reality that doesn't seem to be in the future
"The Midnight Sky" George Clooney projects his current self into his work, a reality that doesn't seem to be in the future


"The Midnight Sky" George Clooney projects his current self into his work, a reality that doesn't seem to be in the future


The harshness of Iceland and the space production of “Gravity”

"This movie is a two-part feature," Clooney explains. He says that each of the two books inspired him to take on different challenges.

When I visited Iceland in mid-October to photograph scenes in the Arctic Circle, I was at the mercy of bad weather, with temperatures reaching -40 degrees Celsius. When the storm hit, the entire film crew had to tie themselves up with Rope to stay safe. There is also a scene in which Augustine descends into an ice cave to avoid strong winds, but this is not a set, but a real cave. When you actually play in a world like ` `The Revenant: The Risen One '' (2015), it seems that it was much harsher than you imagined.

On the other hand, the experience from `` Gravity '' was utilized for the space scenes. Impressed by director Alfonso Cuaron's space direction, Clooney passed it on to Martin Ruhe, a Berlin-born cinematographer who works across national borders. Rouhe understood the director's image and tried the technical approach that Cuarón had practiced.

“The Midnight Sky” Philippe Antonello/ NETFLIX

However, some people feel that it is lacking in terms of originality. For example, Roger Ebert.com, where movie critics share reviews, says, ``Based on ``Gravity'' and ``The Revenant,'' ` `Interstellar '' (2014) and `` Ad Astra .'' (19) and ' The Martian ' (15) sprinkled with a little bit of a mixed flavor.''

However, on the other hand, ``THE WALL STREET JOURNAL'' defends itself as follows. "This film is driven by the severity of the planet's plight. It used to be fun to watch the end of civilization as entertainment, but that's no longer the case."

If you understand that this is exactly the theme that George Clooney wanted to convey to people, you will see a slightly different picture. Next time, I would like to delve deeper into that view.


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  2. movie
  3. The Midnight Sky
  4. "The Midnight Sky" George Clooney projects his current self into his work, a reality that doesn't seem to be in the future