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  4. ``The Green Knight'' The adventures of a fetus wrapped in amber
``The Green Knight'' The adventures of a fetus wrapped in amber

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``The Green Knight'' The adventures of a fetus wrapped in amber


"The Green Knight" synopsis

Sir Gawain, King Arthur's nephew, is not yet a formal knight, and there are no stories of his heroic tales. I just spent my days feeling empty and lazy. Christmas day. A banquet was held in King Arthur's palace, where the knights of the Round Table gathered. In the midst of this, a strange-looking green knight whose entire body appears to be covered in vegetation appears and proposes a terrifying The Game of decapitation. Taking advantage of his provocation, Gawain cuts off his head with one swing. However, the Green Knight proudly picks up the head from the head and rides away, saying, ``One year from now, at Christmas, you will find me, kneel down, and receive a blow from me.'' It was the beginning of a curse and a severe trial for Gawain. One year later, Gawain departs into an unknown world to fulfill his promise. A mad thief, a wandering giant, a talking fox...the living, the dead, and the non-humans appear one after another and lead him to the Green Knight. go.


Reckless Courage/Astral Projection

“Gawain was full of mirth when the hall play began; but this was no wonder, considering the fate that awaited him at the end...A year passes by in the blink of an eye. , the same year will never come back again.'' (``Sir Gawain and the Green Knight'')

Ethel (Alicia Vikander) pours water on Gawain (Dev Patel), who is fast asleep in a brothel bed. ``The Green Knight'' opens with Ethel's innocent mischief and smile. Ethel and Gawain begin a chase inside a cave-like brothel. The camera alternately captures the two of them running as fast as they can through the narrow brothel, creating a sense of happiness. Gawain is pushed down by Ethel. Gawain rushes home on the important Christmas day and is scolded by his mother Morgan (Sarita Chowdhury). These opening two scenes accurately illustrate Gawain's character in this work. Gawain is the first person to take a step forward when a woman pushes him. Ethel and Morgan, as well as the other women in this novel, play a role in guiding the story even more than Gawain.

"The Green Knight" trailer

At a round table surrounded by beautiful natural light, King Arthur (Sean Harris) urges his nephew Gawain to tell him a story. The members of the palace feast each have their own legends, but Gawain has no stories to tell. For her son, who has no story to tell, his mother Morgan uses magic to summon the Green Knight to her palace. A green knight appears from the other side of the door wearing a devilish aura. The Green Knight turns to the members of the banquet and offers to strike a blow against him. However, on the condition that he receives the same blow at the Green Chapel one year later. Gawain comes forward as if this is the case. Gawain receives King Arthur's sword and, as urged by the Green Knight, cuts off his head. Reckless courage. At this moment, Gawain's desire for approval may have been satisfied, but the "fun" of the feast will continue to torment him like a curse. The Green Knight, who has become the ``Headless Horseman'' reminiscent of the legend of Sleepy Hollow, takes his own head in his hands and leaves with a creepy laugh.

The story of Gawain and the Green Knight has become a legend that is passed down from generation to generation, and puppet shows are even performed in the town. A puppet show depicting the final scene of Gawain being beheaded by the Green Knight. Without waiting for the promise of a year later, Gawain is made into the main character of the legend, and now lives in a state where he is left behind and left alone. Gawain is torn between himself who wants to fulfill his legend and himself who is unworthy of it. An image that diverges. Gawain, so to speak, departs from the core of the story.

As King Arthur weakened, so did the kingdom. The Green Knight questions the supposed virtues of chivalry through Gawain's misguided adventures. The image of the knight, the decline and deprivation of masculinity. In that sense, this work can be said to be a new fantasy film suitable for the A24 era. Ethel advises Gawain. "A foolish man perishes."


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  3. The Green Knight
  4. ``The Green Knight'' The adventures of a fetus wrapped in amber