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  3. Trainspotting
  4. What is the passionate respect for Kubrick expressed in the youth drama ``Trainspotting''?
What is the passionate respect for Kubrick expressed in the youth drama ``Trainspotting''?

(c)Channel Four Television Corporation MCMXCV

What is the passionate respect for Kubrick expressed in the youth drama ``Trainspotting''?


Things inherited from “A Clockwork Orange Orange” to “Trespo”

In fact, there are parts in this film where you can clearly see the influence of Kubrick's work. A scene in which the characters all visit a local club. This place is a complete homage to `` A Clockwork Orange Orange'' (1971), and the art inside the store where the characters talk while loud music plays is ``Coroba Milk Bar'' from ``Orange''. ” is overflowing with influence.

Boyle also imitated Kubrick's filming techniques here, using special lenses to severely distort the image of the real world so that the facial expressions of the actors could be seen vividly. As a result, we are stimulated on a psychological level, and as we continue to appreciate the work, we feel as if we have stepped into another world, feeling unsteady on our feet.

When placed side by side, ``Orange'' and ``Trespo'' have many things in common. Not only does it depict the runaway behavior of young people, violence, and the influence of drugs, but the title also has a mysterious sound, and it also depicts rough treatment to improve the symptoms of addiction. They are both works that were produced with great persistence on a low budget. If the world moves on a 20-year cycle, it was ``Orange'' that revolutionized the British film industry in the 1970s, and ``Trespo'' in the 90s that started the next wave. It is only natural that the latter is strongly aware of the former and pays homage to it in the form of homage.

Times change rapidly. However, the "experience" that Kubrick was talking about will continue to be a truth. What kind of new talent will carry on the will of the great master? We also want to keep an eye on the masterpieces that defined an era, such as ``Orange'' and ``Trespo,'' and widen our antennae so that we can sensitively sense new signs and trends that are coming. Thing.


Born in Nagasaki in 1977. When he was 3 years old, he saw ``Superman II'' with his father and became fascinated with movies. After The Graduate from Meiji University, he worked for a movie broadcasting channel and then became a movie writer. Currently, in addition to writing for Eiga.com, EYESCREAM, Real Sound Movie Club, etc., he also contributes to media press and theater programs.

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“Trainspotting” DVD ¥1,429 + tax

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(c)Channel Four Television Corporation MCMXCV


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  2. movie
  3. Trainspotting
  4. What is the passionate respect for Kubrick expressed in the youth drama ``Trainspotting''?