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  3. Suspiria
  4. "Suspiria" (77) A bloody Snow White colored in the three primary colors of light
"Suspiria" (77) A bloody Snow White colored in the three primary colors of light


"Suspiria" (77) A bloody Snow White colored in the three primary colors of light


A witch's story told by Daria Nicolodi's grandmother

Daria Nicolodi is an actress who studied acting at a theater school in Rome and was active mainly in television and movies. After watching `` Fang of Joy ,'' she fell in love with Argento's talent and was eager to appear in one of his works. My dream came true, and after auditioning, I got the role of The Journalist Janna in `` Suspiria Part 2 ''. Before she knew it, her respect turned into romantic feelings, and she fell in love with Argento during filming. After the film was completed, she gave birth to her daughter Asia (Asia went on to become an actress and appeared in many of her father's works, including ``Trauma/Scream of Fresh Blood '' (1993) and ` ` Suspiria: The Last Witch '' (2007)). Although they never officially married, she continued to support Argento as his muse and inspiration.

At the time, the movie industry was in the midst of an occult boom with the blockbuster hits of `` The Exorcist '' (1973) and `` The Omen '' (1976). Nicolodi, who has always been more interested in supernatural things than anyone else, suggests that Argento make a full-fledged occult film. She had a specific story plan that she had once heard from her grandmother. Her grandmother attended a piano school when she was young, and after school there was a class on magic (⁉︎).


“Suspiria” (C) VIDEA SPA

A girl, a music school, and black magic. Isn't this a perfect tool for Gothic horror? Argento and Nicolodi transfer the piano school to a ballet school and begin to create a concrete plot. Thomas de Quincey's novel `` Sighs from the Deep '' was also a major source of inspiration when writing the screenplay. She was originally a fan of Quincy's works, and the three witches that appear in this work were the basis for ``Suspiria'' and the second work in the ``witch trilogy'', `` Inferno '' (1980).

``Suspiria'' is a work that was born out of the great contribution of Daria Nicolodi (and her grandmother).


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  2. movie
  3. Suspiria
  4. "Suspiria" (77) A bloody Snow White colored in the three primary colors of light