2. movie
  3. Carrie
  4. ``Carrie'' 3 actresses who reached turning points in their lives
``Carrie'' 3 actresses who reached turning points in their lives

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``Carrie'' 3 actresses who reached turning points in their lives


"Carrie" synopsis

Carrie is constantly being bullied by her classmates. However, she had a hidden power. At a party, she is suddenly chosen to be queen and becomes ecstatic, but she learns that it was a cruel prank played by her classmates. As Carrie stood on stage, bright red blood poured down on her, she screamed, and the next moment, a real tragedy occurred...!


Film adaptation of Stephen King's debut novel, masterpiece of youth horror

`` Carrie '' (76) is a timid and shy high school Carrie who awakens her dormant psychic abilities due to bullying from her classmates, and drags her prom party into a Inferno of screaming. This is director Brian De Palma's masterpiece, based on the debut work of the "king of horror" Stephen King.

Quentin Tarantino has declared it one of his favorite films, and Martin Scorsese has said that he went to the theater three times when it was released. There is no doubt that this is a masterpiece of youth horror that stimulates the creativity of top creators.

When talking about ``Carrie,'' De Palma's brilliant cinematography techniques are always mentioned. ``Split screen'' shows events happening separately on the screen simultaneously, ``360-degree rotation'' where the camera circles around the subject, and intentionally omitting the number of frames creates a sense of chaos. "Time-lapse photography" creates movement, and "diopter lenses" create mysterious effects by focusing on the foreground and background. It now feels like a general exposition of De Palma Technique.

"Carrie" preview

However, these photography methods have been introduced, praised, and explained in all manner of media throughout the ages. What can a weak movie writer like me write now? No matter what I write, I can't shake the feeling that it's a second-hand story! ? I'm afraid the article will be boring and the CINEMORE editorial department will lose work! ? ! ?

So, this time I'm going to change things up a bit and explain about the three actresses who appear in Carrie: Sissy Spacek, Nancy Allen, and Amy Irving.


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  2. movie
  3. Carrie
  4. ``Carrie'' 3 actresses who reached turning points in their lives