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  3. Body Heat
  4. ``The Body Heat'' is an independent and smart 80's villainous movie that changed the trend.
``The Body Heat'' is an independent and smart 80's villainous movie that changed the trend.

(c) Photofest / Getty Images

``The Body Heat'' is an independent and smart 80's villainous movie that changed the trend.


Kathleen Turner in the movie world

Above all, Kathleen Turner, who plays the heroine Matty, has a strong presence. Although he has stage experience and has appeared in television dramas, he has not made any notable films until now. This is her first time playing a major role, leaving a fresh impact.

She also visited Japan in February 1982, when this movie was released in Japan. At press conferences, she exudes the elegance of a young The Handmaiden, but she is also intelligent, and the sensual atmosphere in the movie was not present in her real face. ``In the countries I visit, people say I'm different from Matty,'' he said with a laugh. I also had the opportunity to personally interview him. The source of the sound was still there, so I listened to it again and heard her reply in a husky voice, which is also her signature.

"I loved the script and wanted to be in it. After I talked to the director, he asked me to come back and do a screen test, so I did a screen test with William Hurt."

After being offered the role of Matty, she went to meet executives at the film company, but apparently they were extremely nervous, saying, ``The ashtray that was there was overturned, and the room, which was all white, turned gray.'' "I've never been so embarrassed," he says, laughing at the story of his failure. It gives a very laid-back impression.

“Body Heat” (c) Photofest / Getty Images

When asked, ``Unlike previous villainous films based on James Cain's original stories, this is a very modern character,'' and the following was the answer: “The female characters in previous villain movies have always been dependent on men, but Matty is more independent.Both Matty and Ned, played by Hart, want to escape from their current situations. I think she took advantage of his situation, but I think they ended up in different ways."

He also had the following views on the lawyer played by Hart. "I think he's been walking on the rails laid out for him. He's become a lawyer, he's had his own firm, he's been successful with women. But when he met Matty, he realized his true self for the first time in his life. I think he made a decision based on his will and tried to deviate from the rails that had been set before him.''

Turner's father was a State Department employee, and his family moved around the world, but he discovered theater in London at the age of 14 and decided to become an actor. Although no one in her family aspired to pursue a career in acting, she says with a laugh, ``Unlike Ned, I didn't want to follow established rules.''

He has said that he would like to appear in comedies in the future, but later appeared as a great comedienne in the ``Romancing Stone'' series (1984-85) directed by Robert Zemeckis, and in `` Peggy Sue Got Married '' (1986), he played a role of a high school student. She was nominated for an Oscar for her humorous portrayal of a housewife who returns to her past. She also has a playful side, so appearing in a comedy seems like a natural progression.

In terms of movies that don't follow the rules, director John Waters played the complex role of a talented designer and a prostitute in Ken Russell's cult work ` `The Crime of Passion '' (1984). In `` Serial Mama '' (1994), she played the role of a radical mother who punishes people who violate moral standards. She took on risky roles that would make a normal Hollywood actress shy.

When I listen back to interviews from when he was a rookie, I can clearly see that he valued being himself rather than fitting into a box. Perhaps because of this, she said, ``I didn't think to rewatch past villainous movies to prepare for the role of ``The Body Heat.'' The most difficult part of this movie was the final conversation with Ned. It was a scene where the conflict between the two people's hearts was portrayed with a sense of tension, and it was difficult to show the conversation in a way that layered lies upon lies.''

Regarding the daring bed scene, he commented, ``It was a very small number of people filming, and all the scenes were already choreographed.I had a lot of respect and trust with my co-stars and the director, so it wasn't that difficult.'' Reflecting the original title, "Body Heat," the characters always sweat, but the actual filming took place during the cold season, and the sweat was sprayed on.

Turner's hobby is reading, and he says he reads several books a week, and when he read the article in the American newspaper we brought with him for the interview, his eyes lit up, saying, ``It's really good content.'' . By incorporating her own intellectual elements into the role of Matty, she has become a smart character that is a little different from the villainous women of the past.


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  2. movie
  3. Body Heat
  4. ``The Body Heat'' is an independent and smart 80's villainous movie that changed the trend.