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  3. Baby Driver
  4. “Baby Driver” is an unexpected fusion of car action and musical! What is the influence of 80's music movies on this groundbreaking idea? ?
“Baby Driver” is an unexpected fusion of car action and musical! What is the influence of 80's music movies on this groundbreaking idea? ?

“Baby Driver” is an unexpected fusion of car action and musical! What is the influence of 80's music movies on this groundbreaking idea? ?


"Baby Driver" synopsis

Baby, a young man who is praised for his genius driving techniques and works as a "getaway" under the gang boss Doc. His parents died in an accident when he was young, and he himself suffers from tinnitus as a result. For this reason, I couldn't let go of my iPod and was constantly listening to my favorite playlist. Baby's face doesn't change even when he picks up the ferocious Butts and other scary people who get angry easily, and he coolly grips the steering wheel. By listening to music, Baby sharpens his concentration and becomes a crazy driver who can't be stopped by anyone. It was transformed. Baby meets Deborah, a waitress, and they fall in love. Baby decides to leave this world for her sake, but...


A new musical that synchronizes music and action.

Everyone calls him Baby. Is it because he is a young man who is not old enough? I don't know the details. His real name is also uncertain. He is the driver of a robbery team run by Doc (Kevin Spacey). His role is to escape the members who have just finished committing a crime. Once again, Baby's amazing driving techniques will be unleashed as he tries to escape from the countless police cars that are chasing him. The trigger is music playing from an iPod. By aligning all of its movements with this rhythm and melody, the car can glide down the road as if dancing, making small steps and turning any situation into its favor.

The movie is like a car action version of `` La La Land, '' where the movements are synchronized to the music. That movie is ``Baby Driver,'' directed by Edgar Wright. People often refer to musicals in which characters sing and dance to music as musicals, but in reality, there is no clear definition of this. If there is music and the bodies and cars move rhythmically in time with the music, then that is also a fine musical. This is a musical movie that overturns common sense, combining car action and music.

"La La Land" preview

It's not just about action. In the opening title background, a scene in which Baby uses his real body to take out coffee for a number of people is depicted in one long take. This scene is also full of lightness, as if the main character skillfully moves up and down the musical scale, and is a must-see scene. Director Edgar Wright and his crew apparently did close to 30 takes for this shoot, and the result is a highly enjoyable scene that clearly shows that.


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  2. movie
  3. Baby Driver
  4. “Baby Driver” is an unexpected fusion of car action and musical! What is the influence of 80's music movies on this groundbreaking idea? ?