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  3. Wind River
  4. How ' Wind River' supporting actor Taylor Sheridan became a much-anticipated writer/director
How ' Wind River' supporting actor Taylor Sheridan became a much-anticipated writer/director


How ' Wind River' supporting actor Taylor Sheridan became a much-anticipated writer/director


Sheridan's style of screenwriting, where he imposed himself on "breaking the rules"

The trilogy also has something in common in terms of narrative development.

The area where the story takes place is extremely vast, as it is called the "Frontier." Despite this, Sheridan's very simple flow line gradually forces the characters and the audience into a suffocating ``closed place,'' and in the end, a life-or-death battle is reached at the end of the world. is planned. In other words, this creator is very skilled at creating a precipice from which there is no escape in an endless land of empty space as far as the eye can see.


``Wind River'' also has a worldview that feels like a combination of the previous two films. For those of you who are about to watch it, I would like you to enjoy the essence of it while paying attention to where you are being pushed.

The last thing I would like to mention is the structure of the work. To put it in an extreme way, he always tries his hand at ``breaking the rules.''

Again, as an actor in the TV world, he has had many scripts in his hands for many years, and in the process, he has developed a certain pattern for storytelling and the structure of works. However, I also felt that the conventional development and structure actually undermined the potential of the story. There are passages in Sheridan's works where this resistance is fully expressed.

For example, in the final scene of `` Sicario '', the main character does not appear at all, which is an unusual development. Also, in ``The Final Chase'', the detailed reasons why the brothers keep robbing banks are not made clear. These things fit into The Natural so naturally that it's hard to notice their uniqueness unless it's pointed out, but according to Sheridan, these are his own challenges to ``breaking the rules.''

“ Sicario” preview

If you look at ``Wind River'' from that perspective, you can see that the attempt that seems to be a ``challenge'' is still alive and well this time. There are times when the film switches to the point of view of the young female victim, who is completely different from the main character. It occurs suddenly from the beginning, and flashback footage is inserted at unexpected times in the second half.

If you're a novice screenwriter, you dare to do something that would make a producer say, ``This doesn't work.'' I think the greatness of Sheridan's style lies in the fact that he creates a structure that does not allow one to predict what will happen in the future.

A life moving forward while collecting all hints

Sheridan seems to have spent his life taking many detours. However, it is precisely because of his life as an actor, which was filled with hardships, that he is now able to utilize what he learned there as a screenwriter. Although each story is an independent story, the similar structure that can be called a trademark naturally emerges from the style, which is strongly influenced by my childhood memories of watching the same videotape dozens of times. Is it too much to think that they are involved?

The sequel to Sicario(he only wrote the screenplay) Sicario: Day of the Soldado is already scheduled to be released in Japan in November, and he is currently working on the TV series Yellowstone, of which he is the creator. There is. This is a story about a family that runs a ranch and faces a certain existential crisis. It is not hard to imagine that his own upbringing is deeply reflected in his work.

“ Sicario: Day of the Soldado” preview

Forty years later, the boy who never became a cowboy may have realized his dream in the world of his own work. It is a perfect conclusion to the trilogy, and is sure to receive even more attention from now on. We have high hopes for Sheridan's future as a screenwriter, director, and even as an actor who continues to play the role of Choi.

Reference URL:



https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/with-wind-river-taylor-sheridan-continues-to-smash-western-stereotypes/2017/08/04/42144de2-76c9-11e7-8f39-eeb7d3a2d304_story.html? noredirect=on&utm_term=.6ef7130a7b86





Born in Nagasaki in 1977. When he was 3 years old, he saw ``Superman II'' with his father and became fascinated with movies. After The Graduate from Meiji University, he worked for a movie broadcasting channel and then became a movie writer. Currently, in addition to writing for Eiga.com, EYESCREAM, Real Sound Movie Club, etc., he also contributes to media press and theater programs.

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Provided by: Happinet, KADOKAWA Distributed by: KADOKAWA

Official website: wind-river.jp

July 27, 2018 Kadokawa Cinema Yurakucho and other nationwide roadshows


*Information as of August 2018 article publication.


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  4. How ' Wind River' supporting actor Taylor Sheridan became a much-anticipated writer/director