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  3. Dark City
  4. From “AKIRA” and “Dome” to German Expressionism! What influenced the worldview of the science fiction masterpiece Dark City?
From “AKIRA” and “Dome” to German Expressionism! What influenced the worldview of the science fiction masterpiece Dark City?

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From “AKIRA” and “Dome” to German Expressionism! What influenced the worldview of the science fiction masterpiece Dark City?


What are the influences of comics, animation, and science fiction novels?

Also, the influence of Japanese comics and anime is essential when talking about this work. According to testimonies from key staff members, the ``storyboard'' that translated the script for ``Dark City'' into a concrete visual blueprint was said to have been created just like watching a Japanese comic.

While `` The matrix '' had a strong essence of `` Ghost in the Shell,'' ``Dark City'' has influences from `` Domu '' and `` AKIRA .'' Especially at the climax, there is a moment when respect for "AKIRA" reaches a boiling point. This scene will probably make comic and anime fans all over the world grin.

Furthermore, director Alex Proyas has been influenced by French comics since he was a child. Among them, the influence of Mobius, a master artist known to everyone in the comic book world, is immeasurable, and it is said that Proyas has been imitating his drawings for a long time. When you think about it, I can't help but think that the influence of Mobius is evident in the giant "face" monuments set up in the underground world of "Dark City."

"Dark City" © Photofest / Getty Images

Another thing that the creators repeatedly bring up in the DVD commentary for Dark City is George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984. The story is set in a fascist world where the state has complete control over the thoughts of its citizens. While depicting a daily life in which even keeping a diary was prohibited, timeless themes such as ``What is humanity?'' and ``What is true freedom?'' are revealed.

There are many noteworthy elements such as the telescreen and Big Brother, but the most surprising thing is the ritual called ``Two Minutes of Hate.'' By staring at the image on the screen for two minutes every day, feelings of hatred toward the traitors of the nation are aroused, and the brainwashing is completed without realizing it. Dark City depicts how the Strangers rewrite people's memories every day at the same time through a ritual called "Tune," and I'm sure I'm not the only one who smells a bit like this. .

In addition to this, ``Dark City'' was influenced by many other elements (including Rod Serling of ``The Twilight Zone'' and Daniel Paul Schreber, known as the author of German psychoanalytic books). ). If you pick them up one by one with tweezers, a very unique cultural system will emerge.

Compared to ``The matrix,'' which expanded the world of the work into a trilogy and exposed everything to the light of day, ``Dark City'' never fully explains the story and leaves its mysteries wrapped in veils. I have a strong feeling that I have been left alone for 20 years. This movie is by no means a crappy sci-fi movie. By returning to this work now, while keeping in mind the source of that idea, I am sure that I will be able to explore it even more deeply.

Reference 1)



Born in Nagasaki in 1977. When he was 3 years old, he saw ``Superman II'' with his father and became fascinated with movies. After The Graduate from Meiji University, he worked for a movie broadcasting channel and then became a movie writer. Currently, in addition to writing for Eiga.com, EYESCREAM, Real Sound Movie Club, etc., he also contributes to media press and theater programs.

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(c) Photofest / Getty Images


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  2. movie
  3. Dark City
  4. From “AKIRA” and “Dome” to German Expressionism! What influenced the worldview of the science fiction masterpiece Dark City?