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  4. "Hugo" The Mystery of the Automaton and the Happy Finale
"Hugo" The Mystery of the Automaton and the Happy Finale

(C) 2011 Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.TM, (R) & Copyright (C) 2013 by Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.

"Hugo" The Mystery of the Automaton and the Happy Finale


Current 3D industry

In this way, "Hugo..." is a happy work that is filled with Scorsese's respect for the pioneers of film and his love for 3D images. So what happened to the third 3D boom that triggered the making of this film?

Currently in Japan, the number of 3D movies being produced has drastically decreased, and with the end of 3D broadcasting and sales of 3D TVs, there are reports that the boom is coming to an end. The situation is similar in South Korea and other countries. Meanwhile, in the United States, the number of 3D movies produced reached a record 47 per year in 2014, and has since stabilized at an average of 35 per year. Even now, most blockbuster movies are available in 3D versions, and it can be said that 3D has become almost completely established in the film industry.

"Hugo" (C) 2011 Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.TM, (R) & Copyright (C) 2013 by Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.

Furthermore, China has been on the rise. Currently, China's box office revenue exceeds 70% of the world's movie box office revenue. Of that, 45% comes from 3D screens. In other words, about half of the world's box office revenue, including 2D and 3D, comes from China's 3D box office revenue alone. Furthermore, it is expected that by 2022, more than 40,000 3D screens will be in operation across China. This is equivalent to the number of 2D and 3D screens combined in the United States in 2014. In other words, looking at the world, the 3D boom is not over yet.


Madeleine Maltet Méliès, author of "The Magician Méliès: The Life of My Grandfather Who Started the Century of Cinema" Film Art Publishing (1994)

・Exhibition catalogue "Georges Méliès: The Kingdom of Dreams and Magic" Asahi Shimbun (1995)

Georges Sadoul, author of "The Complete History of World Cinema 3: Pioneers of Cinema, The Age of Méliès 1897-1902", Kokusho Kankokai (1994)

Robert Sklar, author of "The Cultural History of American Film: America Made by Film (Part 1)" Kodansha (1995)

"Cinefex No.24 Japanese Edition" Born Digital (2012)

Gaby Wood: "Living Dolls" Seidosha (2003)

Tom Standage, author of "The Turk, the Mysterious Chess-Playing Puppet" NTT Publishing (2011)

Brian Selznick: "The Invention of Hugo" Aspect (2012)

Brian Selznick: "Hugo Official Guidebook" Aspect (2012)

Blu-ray "A Trip to the Moon & The Wonderful Cinematic Magic of Méliès" Kinokuniya Bookstore (2012)

Blu-ray "Hugo 3D Super Set" Paramount Home Entertainment Japan (2012)

Text: Takayuki Oguchi

In 1982, he became the director of Japan's first CG production, JCGL. After working as the head designer for the IMAX Dome 3D video "Universe 2 ~Sound of the Sun~" at the Fujitsu Pavilion at EXPO'90, he became a freelance video creator. Won an Emmy Award for the NHK special ``Life: A 4 Billion Year Distant Journey'' (1994). His most recent work is the supervision of NHK E-Tele's ``Kongura CG Classroom'' (18). He is also a video journalist specializing in VFX, CG, 3D movies, art animation, exhibition videos, etc., and has contributed numerous articles to film magazines, theater pamphlets, the web, etc. In addition to being a visiting professor at Digital Hollywood University, he is also a part-time lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Animation, Nihon Gei Film Department, and Japan Electronics College.

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Blu-ray: 2,381 yen + tax / DVD: 1,429 yen + tax On sale now

Publisher: NBCUniversal Entertainment

(C) 2011 Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.TM, (R) & Copyright (C) 2013 by Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.


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  4. "Hugo" The Mystery of the Automaton and the Happy Finale