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  3. North by Northwest
  4. Hitchcock's directorial techniques as seen in the ultimate entertainment of the 1950s, ``North by Northwest''
Hitchcock's directorial techniques as seen in the ultimate entertainment of the 1950s, ``North by Northwest''

(c)2009 Turner Entertainment Co. and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.

Hitchcock's directorial techniques as seen in the ultimate entertainment of the 1950s, ``North by Northwest''


What Hitchcock's familiar "McGuffin" brings

On the other hand, this film is also famous as a film that is difficult to explain in one word. I would like you to try reading the synopsis. It's so crowded that I don't know what's going on anymore. It seems that Cary Grant had the same thoughts while filming, and one day he came to Hitchcock and said, ``What a terrible script.It doesn't make any sense even though we're a third of the way through filming.'' (Hearing this, Hitchcock apparently became convinced that this film would be a success.)

However, it is interesting, and once we get to the main part, we are able to absorb this complicated story very smoothly, intuitively and instinctively. The reason is simple. This is because all the phenomena that appear to be intricately intertwined actually have no meaning whatsoever.

This is also connected to the word "McGuffin", which is essential to enjoying Hitchcock's films. A MacGuffin is an item that motivates the protagonist. For example, in the case of espionage, this includes ``microfilm'' and ``top secret documents.'' The suspense of ``chasing and being chased'' develops around these things. But the point here is that Hitchcock gives these MacGuffins little meaning.

“North by Northwest” (c)2009 Turner Entertainment Co. and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.

The MacGuffin known as microfilm also appears in ``North by Northwest'', but Hitchcock does not describe this detail at all, nor does he pay any attention to it. For the characters, it is the reason and purpose of their actions, but for the audience and the creator, it is meaningless and does not need to be known. That's Hitchcock's MacGuffin. Naturally, you can see his unique style of filmmaking here, which is to not let the audience's consciousness drift away from the items themselves.

Also, in that vein, the mysterious person named "George Kaplan" and his true identity, which the main character is mistaken for, can be said to be a kind of MacGuffin, and furthermore, the whole story of the organization led by the villain Van Damme and their goals, and even more. Even the secret information they are competing with the CIA for is an empty and meaningless MacGuffin. If you strip away all the complicated parts of the story as ``meaningless,'' what remains is a very simple basic line. Even if the mind pursues logic, the mind and body quickly grasp the structure and try to head to the destination in the shortest distance. Therefore, ``North by Northwest'' may seem complicated, but it is easy to understand, and we just need to surrender. Now you can simply enjoy the journey to Mount Rushmore as pure entertainment.

According to screenwriter Ernest Lehmann, the film was not an explosive hit when it was released, but after that, it received high praise every time it was shown at re-screenings or at film festivals, and over time it steadily gained popularity. Or something like that. This film is often compared to a Bond movie due to its spy organization, agents, action, witty dialogue, and overall elegance. Best of all, it makes me feel refreshed and refreshed. If you haven't seen it yet, why not take a look?


François Truffaut, “Standard Film Art: Hitchcock/Truffaut” translated by Koichi Yamada and Shigehiko Hasumi (Shobunsha, 1990)

・“The Art of Hitchcock” by Donald Spoto, translated by Mifuyu Seki (Kinema Junposha, 1994)

Alfred Hitchcock, “Hitchcock: The Movie Himself”, translated by Keisuke Suzuki (Chikuma Shobo, 1999)


Born in Nagasaki in 1977. When he was 3 years old, he saw ``Superman II'' with his father and became fascinated with movies. After The Graduate from Meiji University, he worked for a movie broadcasting channel and then became a movie writer. Currently, in addition to writing for Eiga.com, EYESCREAM, Real Sound Movie Club, etc., he also contributes to media press and theater programs.

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(c)2009 Turner Entertainment Co. and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.


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  3. North by Northwest
  4. Hitchcock's directorial techniques as seen in the ultimate entertainment of the 1950s, ``North by Northwest''