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  3. The madness never ends! Gotham City Criminal Guide 2 [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.33]
The madness never ends! Gotham City Criminal Guide 2 [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.33]

The madness never ends! Gotham City Criminal Guide 2 [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.33]




This is the second installment in a series that introduces the criminals of Gotham that Batman fights every night, from the main characters familiar from movies to those who have shown their individuality in media other than the screen. Last time , we introduced the unique villains, each with their own unique backgrounds, but the one thing they all have in common is madness.


However, in a Gotham filled with madness, there are also quite a few sane villains. One of them is Oswald Cobblepot, also known as the Phantom Penguin, who has a gentlemanly appearance, wearing a top hat, a tailcoat, a protruding belly, a round body, a black bat umbrella, and a monocle. Like the Joker, there seem to be several patterns behind this, but all of them are upper-class characters from the prestigious Cobblepot family, use bat umbrellas loaded with weapons, and are fond of birds. The Joker and Two-Face are certainly great villains and attractive, but my personal favorite villain is the Penguin. Above all, the visuals are amazing. The penguin-like silhouette expressed without any special costumes or mutant characteristics is the best.

The gateway to Penguin love is Tim Burton's masterpiece, Batman Returns . Penguins born into a prestigious family, but ugly babies with beak-like noses, webbed hands, and innate ferocity, were abandoned in a sewer by their parents, and were left behind in a closed zoo. He was raised by a circus troupe and a freak show, and grew up to become a criminal. The penguin here is truly a Monster(for some reason he spits out dark green liquid from his mouth), and the visuals are strong and consistent with director Burton's gothic tastes, but the strength of this image actually makes him look like a normal human in the original work. I think it highlighted the original, simple goodness of its penguin-like appearance.

Oswald Cobblepot and Bruce Wayne can be seen as a pair, as they both come from the same Gotham family. It goes without saying that although they share the commonalities of coming from prestigious families, they grew up in completely different environments. Most versions say that the Cobblepot family declined in the shadow of the Wayne family's prosperity, but Oswald and Bruce are later brought together as two monsters, the Penguin and Batman, and develop a strange relationship.


Speaking of Batman's strange relationship, we can't forget Catwoman, who is sometimes his enemy, sometimes his ally, and sometimes his lover. She's a thief who never commits murder, and it's hard to define her as a villain, but at least she's not in the same league as Batgirl or Robin. He is a person who maintains his sanity like Penguin, and is a thief with high physical ability.

In ``Batman Returns,'' he appears as the main villain along with the Penguin, and is killed by his boss after learning of a company conspiracy, but is revived by the magical power of a cat, and is depicted as a somewhat superhuman person who has nine lives, just as the legends associated with cats say. This is a character with a strong tinge of madness. She has been played by many actresses in movies and dramas, but Michelle Pfeiffer's version is my favorite. The original element of the thief is weak, but the scene where Catwoman makes a costume using the leather jacket she no longer wears after coming back from the dead is good. Michelle Pfeiffer is now Marvel's original Wasp.


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  2. NEWS/Feature
  3. The madness never ends! Gotham City Criminal Guide 2 [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.33]