2. Actor's Interview
  3. "Nameless Day" Masatoshi Nagase Recently, it has become possible to see the movie scene from a bird's eye view [Actor's Interview Vol.14]
"Nameless Day" Masatoshi Nagase Recently, it has become possible to see the movie scene from a bird's eye view [Actor's Interview Vol.14]

"Nameless Day" Masatoshi Nagase Recently, it has become possible to see the movie scene from a bird's eye view [Actor's Interview Vol.14]


The film "Nameless Day" was directed by Hibi Yuichi, a photographer based in New York. The film is based on director Hibi's own experience, and the story begins with Tatsuya, a photographer living in New York, returning to Atsuta, Nagoya after receiving news of his younger brother's death. The protagonist, Tatsuya, is played by Nagase Masatoshi. There is a great significance in Nagase, who is also a photographer, playing Tatsuya.

Since his film debut in 1983, Nagase has been at the forefront for nearly 40 years, but he still receives offers to appear in films. As a leading actor and a supporting actor, Nagase Masatoshi is loved by many directors, but how does he usually approach films? We spoke to him in an exclusive interview.


Director Hibi's thoughts on why he decided to appear in the film

Q: You have a long career and have appeared in a considerable number of films, but are there any points that you consider when deciding to appear in a film?


Nagase: There are various patterns. I might be approached by a staff member I've worked with in the past and accept the role without hesitation, or the director might call me directly and ask me to do it.

But basically, I usually judge a role based on the script. I usually star in a role that I've read and haven't given up on, that is, that I've read all the way through to the end in one go. If I didn't give up on a role, it means that the whole script was interesting, so maybe I judge it from the perspective of an audience member.

Q: How did you come to star in this film?

Nagase: The deciding factor for me this time was Director Hibi's "feelings about the film." I decided to appear in the film after seeing how the director was trying to face his own past experiences through the film.


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  2. Actor's Interview
  3. "Nameless Day" Masatoshi Nagase Recently, it has become possible to see the movie scene from a bird's eye view [Actor's Interview Vol.14]