2. Director's Interview
  3. "In a corner of the stardust" Director Ram Sam How can people trust each other again [Director's Interview Vol.334]
"In a corner of the stardust" Director Ram Sam How can people trust each other again [Director's Interview Vol.334]

(C)mm2 Studios Hong Kong

"In a corner of the stardust" Director Ram Sam How can people trust each other again [Director's Interview Vol.334]


How can people trust each other again?

Q: One of the great things about this movie is that Zak never lets go of his sincerity. No matter what difficulties he faces, he never lets go of his sincerity and continues to believe in Candy and the others. I felt that having faith in people's conscience is what Director Lam Sam believes in when he makes movies. Is that right?

Lam Sam: Yes, I think the fact that COVID was in the background of this story was a big factor. The idea for the film itself started in 2018, but the large-scale demonstrations by cleaners that occurred afterwards had a big impact on the script. Then in 2020, the infection began to spread. Hong Kong has been in a really big political transition over the past few years. In that situation, I feel like people have been placed in an environment where they can't trust each other. That's why I wanted to depict the theme of this film: how can people trust each other again? It was only natural that the idea of ​​believing in people's conscience was incorporated into the story.

“In a Stardust Corner” (C)mm2 Studios Hong Kong

The unity of the staff and cast during filming (2021) was truly powerful. At the time, filming in Hong Kong had almost stopped, so the team had no other work to do. They were anxious but at the same time very happy to be able to film, and I think they had developed a very strong relationship of trust. I myself had the utmost trust in the staff, of course, but also in the actors who played the roles, especially the two leading actors.

Normally, the script and the schedule are perfectly prepared before filming begins, but this time, the environment was unique in that no one knew what the situation would be like tomorrow, and there were many scenes during filming where we discussed with the staff and actors and decided what to do next. There were several times when we had to rewrite the script after listening to the actors' honest opinions about how they felt while acting. There were many difficulties, but the staff also told us that it had been a long time since they had experienced such a fun set, and I am really glad that I was able to work in a team where we could trust each other.

Reserve "In the Corner of Stardust" now ↓

Director: Lam Sum

Born in 1985. The Graduate from the Department of Directing at the Hong Kong Film and Television Academy for Performing Arts. In addition to producing short films and documentaries, he also works as a film production instructor. His representative works include the short film "Oasis" (2012) and co-directed "Boys' Generation Revolution" (2021 / released in Japan 2022). This is his first solo feature film as a director. He will be based in London, UK from 2022.

Interview and text: Rie Tsukinaga

Film writer and editor. Editor of the magazine "Eiga Yokocho". Writes film reviews, columns, and investigative articles for "Asahi Shimbun", "Metropolitana", "Weekly Bunshun", etc. Also edits books and film pamphlets under the name "Eiga Sakaba Editorial Office". Currently hosts the web program "Katsuben Cinema Club". eigasakaba.net

"In the corner of stardust"

Nationwide release from Friday, July 14th at TOHO Cinemas Chanter, Polepole Higashi Nakano and other theaters

Distributor: Cinema Drifters, Daifuku, Polepole Higashi Nakano

(C)mm2 Studios Hong Kong


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  2. Director's Interview
  3. "In a corner of the stardust" Director Ram Sam How can people trust each other again [Director's Interview Vol.334]