Until "Yesterday," everyone on Earth knew about The Beatles. However, today, Jack is the only person in the world who remembers their famous songs...Jack suddenly finds himself in an incredible and mysterious world! Jack is a troubled singer-songwriter who lives in a small British seaside town. Despite the devoted support of his childhood friend and best friend, Ellie, he is unable to sell at all and feels that his dream of becoming famous through music has reached its limit. At that time, a momentary power outage occurs on a global scale, and he gets into a traffic accident. When he wakes up from a coma, he discovers that the most famous band of all time, The Beatles, have never existed...
Work information
Director: Danny Boyle
Producer: Tim Bevan
Eric Fellner
Matthew James Wilkinson
Bernard Bellew
Richard Curtis
Danny Boyle
Executive producer: Nick Angell
Lee Brazier
Liza Chasin
Original idea: Jack Barth
Richard Curtis
Screenplay: Richard Curtis
Cinematography: Christopher Ross
Production Design: Patrick Rolfe
Costume design: Liza Bracey
Editing: John Harris
Music: Daniel Pemberton
Himesh Patel
lily james
kate mckinnon
Joel Fry
ed sheeran
james corden
robert carlyle
Friday, October 11th Nationwide roadshow!
Distribution promotion: Toho Towa ©Universal Pictures
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