2. movie
  3. Dolemite Is My Name
  4. The culmination of Eddie Murphy's role as the respected comedian "Dolemite Is My Name"!
The culmination of Eddie Murphy's role as the respected comedian "Dolemite Is My Name"!

The culmination of Eddie Murphy's role as the respected comedian "Dolemite Is My Name"!


"Dolemite Is My Name" synopsis

Dolemite Is My Name is a comedian who was popular in Los Angeles in the 1970s, but the character he plays in a very vulgar way, ``Dollmite,'' becomes a big hit, and he puts his all into making a movie starring him.


my name is dollmite

``My name is Dollmite. My job is to erase shit.'' That's what Dollmite says. The original title of "Dolemite Is My Name" (19) starring Eddie Murphy is "Dolemite is My Name". The character Dolemite Is My Name has played throughout his life is Dollmite, whose job is to erase shit.

The film tells the story of how the character Dollmite was created by Dolemite Is My Name, played by Eddie Murphy. If you're a big fan of B-movies, you probably know the name Dolemite Is My Name, but many of you may be hearing it for the first time. And because you don't know, you end up searching for that name on Google and regret it. This is because a large number of photos of his vulgar album jackets appear as search results.

Film critic David Walker says: ``People can be easily divided into two types: those who have seen Dolemite Is My Name's movies and those who have not. It's cool, so you can easily recognize it.''

"Dolemite Is My Name" trailer

Dolemite Is My Name definitely touched Eddie Murphy's heart. And those who watch this episode of ``Dolemite Is My Name'' will definitely be moved by this man through Eddie Murphy's performance. This film is full of the life of a clumsy but hard-working middle-aged man, the joy of filmmaking, and the underground world of the 1970s. Eddie Murphy's love of comedy and respect for the pioneers of comedy can be felt in this film, and it is likely that Eddie Murphy will make further strides as a film actor with this work.

We're sure to hear Eddie Murphy's name again at awards races like the Academy Awards and Golden Globes. After all, after this film was premiered for critics, it received a high rating of 98% (as of October 23) on Rotten Tomatoes, where critics' reviews are gathered.


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  2. movie
  3. Dolemite Is My Name
  4. The culmination of Eddie Murphy's role as the respected comedian "Dolemite Is My Name"!