2. movie
  3. The Aeronauts
  4. A ``two The Aeronauts with a balloon'' whose acting and story keep moving.
A ``two The Aeronauts with a balloon'' whose acting and story keep moving.


A ``two The Aeronauts with a balloon'' whose acting and story keep moving.


"The Aeronauts" synopsis

``The French have climbed to 7,000 meters. Today we will surpass it and bring back the altitude record to our country!'' said balloonist Amelia Wren (Felicity Jones), who was flying 10,000 meters. loudly announce it in front of the audience. 1862, London. James Glacier (Eddie Redmayne), the meteorologist who planned this great trip, is watching her with annoyance as she tries to entertain people with her raunchy actions.

Two years ago, James appealed to the Royal Society in London for funding for research flights, saying that if enough data was collected, it could predict the weather and "save many lives." People would laugh at me if it was something a fortune teller would do. A sponsor finally appeared on the condition that they would collect admission fees from the audience as part of Amelia's flying show. The balloon takes off into the sky, with the two people in different positions and goals completely unable to get along. However, when the balloon reaches an altitude of over 1,645m, the balloon enters the clouds and the time comes when they have to help each other. A sudden change in air pressure caught them in a violent storm, and Amelia was thrown out of the basket. James pulls Amelia, who somehow managed to cling to the Rope, with a desperate determination. When the two finally break through the clouds, they are moved by the eye-catching blue sky. The Day After that, a halo appeared, and a group of yellow butterflies took flight at an altitude of 5,220 meters, and we enjoyed seeing beautiful nature together for the first time.

The two men, who finally broke the world record at an altitude of 7,000 meters, shook hands and said, ``Thank you for coming,'' and ``It's all thanks to your balloon.'' However, once they reached 7,280m, opinions were divided again. Amelia suggests they descend as the temperature drops below zero, but James insists that the observation records are "more important than life." Amelia suspects that James just wants to get back at the scholars he made fun of, but she relents when she learns of James' true intentions as he dedicates himself purely to research.

Two years ago, Amelia also had a life-changing event. Her husband Pierre (Vincent Perez), who was a passenger in the balloon, dies. The Day After that, I lost the will to live, let alone ride in a balloon. She once accepted a pilotship at James's request, but she refused, saying, ``I don't want to fly again,'' thinking of her husband. James's best friend Tru (Himesh Patel) convinced him that not everyone has the chance to change the world. At an altitude of 8,070 meters and a temperature of -15 degrees Celsius, the air pressure threatens to tear the balloon's fabric, and the lack of oxygen begins to affect his brain, causing James to bleed from his nose. When Amelia decides to descend, James tries to stop her by bringing up the story of her husband, saying, ``The story of Pierre being reckless is famous.'' At that time, Amelia reveals the truth behind Pierre's death.

James finally agrees to descend, but faces the worst crisis when the gas release valve freezes and won't open. James passes out from hypoxia, and Amelia climbs up the balloon to open the valve on her own. At an altitude of 10,970m...an unknown world was about to begin.


A perfect "two-person play" suitable for the stage where they perform together again.

An adventure that only takes a few hours. Just a balloon rising into the sky.

However, the two of them put their entire lives, past, present, and future, on this journey.

An unyielding will to resist the destiny of heaven and carve out a path. A blue, pure, clear drama of "life".

A dream co-star is a great romance in movies. The meeting of Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt in the recent film ` `Once Upon a Time in Hollywood '' (2019) excited movie fans. What's more, both of them were nominated for Academy Awards for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor, and were on par with last year's ``face'' movies in terms of popularity and reviews. Matt Damon and Christian Bale co-star for the first time in " Ford v Ferrari " (2019). Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson played a married couple in `` Marriage Story .''

The stars bring out their personalities and create a chemical change that is unique to that movie.It's a feast for the eyes to witness that moment, but it's also very interesting to see them co-star again in different roles. When it comes to Oscar-related films, `` The Irishman '' (1919) is one of them. The excitement and emotion of seeing Robert De Niro and Al Pacino in the masterpiece `` Heat '' (1995), which director Christopher Nolan used as a reference for ` `The Dark Knight '' (2008), on the same screen is something only movie buffs can appreciate. It can be said that it was a luxurious pleasure.

“The Aeronauts” preview

And once again, a Big"re-co-starring" was realized. Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones, who starred in the Academy Award-winning "The Theory of Everything" (2014), The Aeronauts" (2019). )is. I'm sure everyone who has watched ``The Theory of Everything'' will exclaim with joy. The chemistry shown by the two in this film is so outstanding that they were nominated for an Academy Award twice (Redmayne won), which speaks for itself.

``The Aeronauts,'' with Eddie and Felicity playing the roles of a naive man and a strong-willed woman, respectively, and Eddie's role is based on research. There are plenty of coincidences that fans will be happy about, such as the characters, the trials that come to the two, and the theme of "sky (space)" as mentioned earlier.

“The Aeronauts” (c)2019 AMAZON CONTENT SERVICES LLC.

What is also noteworthy is that this time it is a complete two-person play. This work depicts a man and a woman aiming for the sky in a hot air balloon, and once they are in the sky, it is a complete two-person play except for the flashback scenes. The fun of co-starring again is that both actors, who have gained experience over the years since the previous work, combine their performances with an increased sense of maturity. In that sense, it can be said that this work, in which the two main characters proceed alone, has provided a truly suitable stage.

Eddie, who has experience in " All About Lily " (2015) and the " Fantastic Beasts " series, has demonstrated his presence in " The Monster Whispers " (2016) and " Rogue One: A Star Wars Story " (2016). Felicity. This work is packed with more than enough evidence of the growth of these two.


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  2. movie
  3. The Aeronauts
  4. A ``two The Aeronauts with a balloon'' whose acting and story keep moving.