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  3. Doctor Zhivago
  4. Why you should watch the peak of romanticism beckoned by the masterpiece “Lara’s Theme” from “Doctor Zhivago” now
Why you should watch the peak of romanticism beckoned by the masterpiece “Lara’s Theme” from “Doctor Zhivago” now

(c)1965, Supplementary Material Compilation 2010 Turner Entertainment Co. (c) 2010 Turner Entertainment Co. and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Why you should watch the peak of romanticism beckoned by the masterpiece “Lara’s Theme” from “Doctor Zhivago” now


The original work was not allowed to be published by the Soviet government.

``Doctor Zhivago'' is a masterpiece by Russian poet and novelist Boris Pasternak. However, the story of the turbulent life of Yuri Zhivago, a doctor and poet, was criticized by the Soviet Communist Party at the time as a "reckless attempt" to prove that the Russian Revolution was a failure. Sales are prohibited.

In this way, the novel, which was not allowed to be published in his home country, was published in Italy in 1957 and was released in 18 countries, gaining worldwide acclaim. The following year, Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, but because the Soviet Union threatened to expel him from the Writers' Union, Pasternak declined the award in tears. The only way to receive the award is to defect.

"Doctor Zhivago" (c) 1965, Supplementary Material Compilation 2010 Turner Entertainment Co. (c) 2010 Turner Entertainment Co. and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

However, the Nobel Committee did not accept this refusal, and Pasternak's name was recorded as the winner.


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  3. Doctor Zhivago
  4. Why you should watch the peak of romanticism beckoned by the masterpiece “Lara’s Theme” from “Doctor Zhivago” now