2. movie
  3. Mad Max: Fury Road
  4. “Mad Max: Fury Road” George Miller overcame hardships and maintained a worldview similar to that of anime
“Mad Max: Fury Road” George Miller overcame hardships and maintained a worldview similar to that of anime


“Mad Max: Fury Road” George Miller overcame hardships and maintained a worldview similar to that of anime


“Mad Max: Fury Road” synopsis

A world running out of oil and water. The main character is Max (Tom Hardy), a former police officer whose beloved family has been taken away from him and who survives solely on instinct. Max is captured by Joe's army, which monopolizes resources and controls the people with fear and violence, and along with Joe's right-hand man Furiosa (Charlize Theron) and his subordinate Nux (Nicholas Hoult), who is wearing white paint all over the place, Max is planning a rebellion. Taking the beautiful women captured by Joe with him, he begins his escape to freedom.


I wanted to depict a new order after the collapse of the world.

It's easy to understand why it was ranked as the best movie of the year by the magazine ``Movie Hiho''. However, I never expected it to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture! 2015's "Mad Max: Fury Road" was nominated for 10 Academy Awards and won six awards, including Best Editing and Best Art Design. Achieved 1st place. One of the reasons for its success is that in addition to the captivating world that attracts movie buffs, it also has the excitement of action entertainment that is welcomed by major audiences.

On the other hand, as many of you know, ``Mad Max: Fury Road'' was incredibly difficult to complete. I would like to look back on the background and intentions of the film based on an interview I conducted with director George Miller when the film was released in 2015.

“Mad Max: Fury Road” preview

45 years after the end of the world, the story of ``Mad Max: Fury Road'' begins. Coastal cities on continents such as Australia have been destroyed, and gangs roam the land like locusts. That's the worldview of this work. The ruler Immortan Joe has created a new order. He controls all resources, including water pumped from underground and stored in rock fortresses. Gasoline as well. It is kept in another fort named ``Gas Town.'' In another fort named ``Bullet Farm,'' it manufactures weapons and bullets and is fully armed. You can rule the world.

In other words, times have gone backwards, and we are entering a world of darkness. Because this is the kind of story it is, it takes on an allegorical or mythical quality, and the author's own historical views, interpretations of the modern world, future views, and the science of human behavior are intricately intertwined.

This is the worldview of ``Mad Max: Fury Road'' as described by George Miller.

The first film in the Mad Max series was released in 1979. The second film, The Road Warrior , was released in 1981, and the third film, Mad Max: Thunderdome , was released in 1985.

George Miller, who worked on all the series, has finally begun work on the long-awaited fourth installment. Production was supposed to start at the dawn of the 21st century...


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  2. movie
  3. Mad Max: Fury Road
  4. “Mad Max: Fury Road” George Miller overcame hardships and maintained a worldview similar to that of anime