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  3. The Death of Dick Long
  4. ``The Death of Dick Long” What is your intention in daring to depict comedy in a literary manner?
``The Death of Dick Long” What is your intention in daring to depict comedy in a literary manner?

© 2018 A24 Distribution,LLC. All rights reserved.

``The Death of Dick Long” What is your intention in daring to depict comedy in a literary manner?


Literary themes hidden in the commotion

At the same time, the film also alludes to prejudices and assumptions about people. In the opening scene, when Dick and his friends are seen causing a ruckus, we, the audience, tend to stereotype them as the discriminatory white majority of the Southerners. However, in reality, they were unorthodox characters who used their ruckus as a cover. Also, a local female police officer who at first glance seems unreliable uses her excellent deductive skills to uncover the truth of the case.

We tend to fit people into a model and judge them differently than they actually are, and this may be the very reason they suffer and lead to concealment.


"The Death of Dick Long" © 2018 A24 Distribution, LLC. All rights reserved.

Marilyn Monroe's last film, " The Misfits " (1961), is a film in which Clark Gable plays a rough cowboy who is no longer in tune with the values ​​of the times, but whose way of life is rejected by the woman he loves, played by Monroe, and who still somehow searches for a way to live a good life. This became an important work that predicted the later American New Cinema.

"The Death of Dick Long" also depicts the feelings of a man who has made a fatal mistake and has some heretical elements, but who still wants to live and be happy with his wife and daughter.

Just as "The Misfits" beautifully portrayed America and Americans of that era, this work also seeks to fundamentally capture what America is and what it means to be an American living there from a certain perspective. In that sense, it feels appropriate that this work was expressed using literary techniques.

Text: Kei Onodera

A film critic who wanders around and writes for web media and magazines, aiming to become a movie hermit. We will convey the "deep" content of the movie in an easy-to-understand manner from various angles.

Twitter: @kmovie

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"The Death of Dick Long"

From Friday, August 7th, Human Trust Cinema Shibuya,

Nationwide release at Shinjuku Cinema Qualite and other venues

Distribution: Phantom Film

© 2018 A24 Distribution,LLC. All rights reserved.

Official site: http://phantom-film.com/dicklong-movie/


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  3. The Death of Dick Long
  4. ``The Death of Dick Long” What is your intention in daring to depict comedy in a literary manner?