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  3. Space Cowboys
  4. ``Space Cowboys'' The American Hidden Figures of old delinquents is not easy.
``Space Cowboys'' The American Hidden Figures of old delinquents is not easy.

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``Space Cowboys'' The American Hidden Figures of old delinquents is not easy.


The role of the “pastor” in Eastwood movies that depict the absence of God

However, I'm more interested in Tank, played by James Garner. Unlike Frank and Hawk, who exude machoism, and Jerry, who exhibits lady-killer qualities, Tank is a mild-mannered pacifist who can be described as ``un-Eastwoodian.'' What's more, he plays the role of a pastor who preaches the teachings of Christ.

In Eastwood's films, God is never the one who saves the world. In `` Dirty Harry ,'' Christian motifs such as churches and crosses appear many times, but God remains ``silent'' against evil. The plot is that Harry Callahan, the guardian of the law, takes on the role of God, who does not judge, and confronts violent criminals.

"Space Cowboys" (c)2007 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.

In ` `Mystic River '' (2003), the absence of God was emphasized by using a cutback to connect the scene where the girl's body was discovered and the scene of her first communion, and in `` Million Dollar Baby '' (2004), the absence of God was emphasized. The lines were flying out of Eastwood's mouth. Faith is powerless in this impure world.

But Tank, played by James Garner, is surprisingly innocent and amazingly turns to Akkerakan and God for help. Just before taking off into space, he prays, ``God, please don't let me fail, Amen,'' and when he captures a Russian communications satellite with his arm, he murmurs ``Mary, full of grace.'' Has there ever been an Eastwood movie that so directly sought divine protection? The world is full of love and light.

``Space Cowboys'' is not divided into four ``Eastwood-like'' characters, but instead has an arrangement of 3 ``Eastwood-like'' characters + 1 ``non-Eastwood-like'' character, which makes it more appealing than other works. The result was a subtle sense of pathos and humor that was missing from the original.


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  2. movie
  3. Space Cowboys
  4. ``Space Cowboys'' The American Hidden Figures of old delinquents is not easy.